I Want to Live! (United Artists) (1958)

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EXPLOITATION CONTINENTAL CAR COMBINE SPONSORS Letter-Writing TWIN ie \onsorimess BIG PRIZE CONTEST! = wordetMouth! GREAT CARS Your patrons can win one of these great cars and other Aimed at the female audience this con“3 valuable prizes in this simple nationwide contest. There test with cooperation of a radio disk jockey program proved very successful during the New York run. Listeners to following sentence in 100 words or less: “‘] Want To the cooperating radio program were asked to submit letters of 100 words or less stating whether they believed Bar are 144 prizes in all. All they have to do is complete the Live’” modern—so | weuld like to own an efficient, economical small car like ................ , because................. bara Graham was guilty or not guilty. Contest ends June 30, 1959. All details are included on Entry blanks were passed out as people : entered the theatre. Prizes included a the art shown here, available as a 4-column entry blank U. S. Saving Bond, United Artists Rec and as a I|-sheet poster. ords Longplay Soundtrack Albums and The SRODR AMERICA S449 other promoted prizes. Names of winwee eee Your part involves only the distribution of the entry blanks in ners were announced from time to time during the show. Cross-plugging i , in affiliated theatres helped to publicize complete the sentence, fill in their names and addresses and mail the contest. your lobby and any other ways which you find available. Fans the entry blank to United Artists as indicated on the entry blank. 46 arity reves: pty: podaphate ste Colbo vei nig, | ceoncmene in }oo meres ooo Local Continental Car Combine agencies will cooperate in any “§ Wat on Live acs i : j : : IN WIRING REPORTER Ps 2 way they can such as window displays, display of prizes, etc. prizes: ee "Sina | In addition to the entry blanks and 1-sheet poster there is a Local newspaper sends out Reporterus ame ors wees |g FREE contest trailer available to you. Use the coupon below photographer who asks people on the & toct thas trailer: street whether they have seen the pic ture. If the answer is “yes” he asks Addis. FREE ’ { their opinion as to whether Barbara ee ] Special Events Dept., United Artists Corp. Graham was guilty or not euilty. An i 4 {Complete The Contest Statement On Back Of This Entry Blank) a | 729 Seventh Ave., New York 19, N. Y. : : ee ee nouncement is made that five best se | Spiced j : ; THIS IS THE ENTRY BLANK! CONTEST | Please rush Free ''l Want to Live!"' contest trailer to: | answers each day will receive money : SORT re acc tiarsake nes neta prizes of one dollar or more. Photos Actual size: 7/2” x 11”. Order MAT 4B TRAILER | : | | I from National Screen Exchange. Ht plube the "| Want to Live!" Playdate ..... and winning answers published daily. | agree to run the Contest Trailer for....weeks....days picture and IT 1S ALSO FREE 1-SHEET < | a: LOBBY TIMETABLE Exactly as above except “name and adPRIZES FOR THEATRE MANAGERS: A set of solid pole au fintk will be awarded for the ten best promotional campaigns involving e Timetable of e e grim confusion dress FPRES omitted. Order from Spethis Continental Car Combine National Contest! Manager entries must cial Events Dept., United Artists, 729 be in before July 30, 1959. Send campaigns to Special Events Dept., 9 at execution SAN QUENTIN (/)\--Here 1s Seventh Ave., N. Y. United Artists Corp., 729 Seventh Ave., New York 19, N. Y. the timetable of the grim, har MASSIVE BOOK PROMOTION —_riresie etc ta: the execution of Barbara GraThe New American Library, publishers of Signet Books, is blanketham: ing the distribution field with point-of-sale selling aids to make 9 a.m.—Gov. Knight ordered this a super promotion. Previous success with United Artists pic THE ANALYSIS OF A MURDE: delay in execution, which had been scheduled for 10 a.m. 10:05 a.m. — Governor telephoned Warden H. O. Teets, telling him to proceed with execution. that State Supreme Court and federal court had refused to intervene. Teets set new execution hour for 10:45. 10:42 a.m.—New petition for writ of habeas corpus filed with State Supreme Court. 10:46 a.m.—Order for new delay arrived from State Supreme Court clerK as Mis, Graham was about to enter gas chamber. 11:12 a.m. — State Supreme Court denied newest petition. New execution hour set for 11:904. ie 11:34 a.m.—Mrs. Graham enters gas chamber. 11:42 a.m.—Doctors nod that she is dead. tures assure you of fullest cooperation with book dealers, news stands, chain stores, drug stores and department stores. All Signet Wholesalers have complete information about this tieup and are prepared to go all out in cooperation with your playdate. The illustrated full-color book cover, front and back, carry full credits for the S06 ak The BoRNR BORGES Sonnac 9 | the file ot a hamid gid. : 38 fo ing ten UE a Wo yon om picture, siog ase Raywes, oe ee oe fereos : f : : SeesHeb. io, Mted RAR. Petre tenn wg fa one Be sure to work with local dealers for display of book racks and window streamers, illustrated. Also work with book store and other book dealers for win dow displays, supplementing the book with scene stills from the picture and suitable tie-in copy and credits. SENSATIONAL NEW S ‘s 4 Sir . . . UNITED ARTISTS-SIGNET BOOK RELEASE Wholesalers have been supplied with streamers suitwneting SUSAR HAY WARD A ; losert ths Display Lard able for use on truck bumpers or side panels. Be boo WINDOW STREAMER: 17 inches . ; can give you fullest cooperation. wide and 6 inches deep in two colors. in top pockets of There are other showmanship angles outlined in oe sure to make early contact with them so that they this press book which can be tied in with this book RW Ty nl eet ee NOTE: Complete list of Signet Book wholesalers in your area bally. Books as prizes, giant size book street bally DISPLAY CARD: can be obtained by writing diand several others tie in effectively. bi ee eae re¢t to Hal Robinson, Andepena abe a Bek and plekcte: The clipping reproduced here can be dent News Co., 575 Lexington For additional cooperation in preparing displays Note insert picture the basis of a sensational “stopper” Avenue, New York, N. Y. write: Special Events Dept., United Artists Corp., ihe = Lae fe a display near your box-office or in one ee “99 < 5 ; (29 Seventh Ave., New York 19, N. Y. sight. of your side panels. Do it this way: Mount a large transparent clock-face on stiff board with blowup of this clip ; ; ping alongside. Hook up a series of Obey the Lights! SA ETY i. () S TE R CA My PA | G N flashing lights to the clock and have “| WANT T0 LIVE” them flash on and off continuously. On Suggest to local Safety Council, Police Traffic Dept. and other interested the same circuit with the lights you So please drive with groups that they cooperate with you in posting safety posters based on the can hook up a bell which rings simulcare as | do! title with copy as suggested left. taneously with the flashing lights. Add SEE “I WANT TO LIVE” BS De 8 ee 8 Bs Eh ratacdiate this suggested copy: ‘ “See Barbara BIJOU Now! | This poster idea can also be adapted Graham In Her Last Minute Battle For | | to a sticker which can be Life in ‘I WANT TO LIVE!’ ”—the pasted on car windows or rear bumpers. eet pete A Megane sea es 128 Murder Trial That Shook the World!”-’ PAGE 6