I Want to Live! (United Artists) (1958)

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TEASER ADS THAT SHOCK—AND SELL! Either on or off the amusements page these provocative teasers are sure to create talk about your playdate. In addition to newspapers, enlarge these ads direct from here for posting throughout theatre weeks in advance of opening. WAS THE LAW LIND? ... when it brought beautiful B-Girl Barbara Graham to trial for a brutal murder! Many notables, including Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Ed Montgomery, say she was incapable of committing this crime. Others say elections were at stake—and a young mother’s life meant nothing. They say that certain facts were overlooked during her trial—evidence that could have cast a reasonable doubt as to her guilt! Today, there are those who are trying to prevent her true life story from ever being revealed. Why? See Susan Hayward in her acclaim-winning performance in “I Want To Live!”, the story of Barbara Graham, whose murder trial shocked the world. * 2 Cols. x 105 Lines—210 Lines (15 Inche:) Mat 208 Why dor they Sto you'll want to shout ... when you see | SUSAN HAYWARD in “IT WANT TO LIVE” 2 Cols. x 53 Lines—106 Lines (8 Inches) Mat 211 Also available in 3 Cols. x 80 Lines. Order MAT 305 PAGE 1 O THEY'LL ALL DIE VIOLENTLY! ALL THE LIARS! These were the words that tore from the throat of beautiful Barbara Graham as the judge branded her a brutal killer! Today there is evidence that justice may have erred! Today there are those who are trying to stop you from seeing this powerful and true story of a woman’s anguish! Susan Hayward in her acclaim-winning performance ..as Barbara Graham, whose murder trial shocked the world! I Want To Live!” 2 Cols. x 120 Lines—240 Lines (17 Inches) Mat 209 your heart will cry out...when you see | SUSAN HAYWARD in “I WANT TO LIVE” 2 Cols. x 53 Lines—106 Lines (8 Inches) Mat 213 Also available in 3 Cols. x 80 Lines. Order MAT 307