I'll Take Sweden (United Artists) (1965)

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If Blondes have more fun...then Sweden’s got to be the funniest place on earth!!! where where the where you natural exhilarating join in wonders alr gives quaint await — -youa local you... 2 itt customs... Edward smal presents BUBHOPE TUESDAY WELD-FRANKIE VALOR: DINA MERRILL * English translation! Yeah.,.Yeah..,Yeah!{! ; sonst 4 ecReay NAT PERRIN, BOB FISHER and ARTHUR MARX/*"S*” NAT PERRIN Cl CITI d C © “oy JIMMIE HASKELL and“BY” DUNHAM / @rccccee ALEX GOTTLIEB EDEIKDE CORDA kn EDVARD SMALL RODUCTON / TECHNIGOLOR c=“ UNITED ARTISTS 3 Cols. x 124 Lines—372 Lines (27 Inches) Mat 302 All advertising material in this pressbook, as weil as all other news paper and publicity material, has been approved under the MPAA Advertising Code as a seif-regulatory procedure of the Motion Pic (4! ture Association of America. All inquiries on this procedure, which Y is voluntarily subscribed to by the major motion picture companies, may be addressed to: Advertising Code Administrator, Motion Pic ture Association of America, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York 36, N. Y. tdvad al BOB HOPE TUESDAY WELD FRANKIE AVALON DINAMERRILL «yy ] e Released thru TECHNICOLOR® UNITED ARTISTS Tk sha A. TORE 1 Col. x 28 Lines (2 Inches) Edward Small sx BOBHOPE-TUESDAY WELD FRANKIE AVALON: DINA MERRILL ‘I'll Take Sweden’ TECHNICOLOR® reisses nu UNITED ARTISTS Tae E (Are aR2_E 1 Col. x 14 Lines (1 Inch) 1 Col. x 42 Lines (3 Inches) Both on Mat 101 Mat 102 If Blondes have more fun...then Sweden's got to be the funniest place on earth!!! EK Order Ad Mats From National Screen Exchange Edward Small Dresents TUESDAY WELD FRANKIE AVALON © DINA MERRILL co-starrin ig Jeremy Slate TECHNICOLOR?® secicsses tn. UNITED ARTISTS a. he te Ay, i eetee os 1 Col. x 98 Lines (7 Inches) at 104 presents BOB HOPE TUESDAY WELD FRANKIE AVALON DINA MERRILL * English translation! Yeah Yeah ww Neah li! TECHNICOLOR Jeremy Slate Screenplay by NAT PERRIN,BOB FISHER and ARTHUR MARX story by NAT PERRIN. Music by JIMMIE HASKELL and ‘BY’ DUNHAM Associate Producer ALEX GOTTLIEB birected byFREDERICK DE CORDOVA An EDWARD SMALL PRODUCTION Released thru Frankie Aval i the delightful t f "lll Take Sweden” in in United Artiste Bocores a enal sound track seit” e UNITED ARTISTS tien Ee AS oR) 3 Cols. x 103 Lines—309 Lines (22 Inches) Mat 304 PAGE 7