Kid Millions (United Artists) (1934)

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READ BACKS for contest by news page readers Three in a row! Can you identify them, reading from laft to riot? If the bumps on your head make you a good reader of bumps on other people’s heads, you’re in for a nice little reward. All you have to do is write down three names, listing with pen and ink, or typewriter, down your page, the identities of these three people whose very names are enough to con¬ jure gales of merriment. We can’t tell you what the awards will be right now. That would give away the identity of this mysterious looking trio. It might be guest admissions to a swell show; it might be items of merchandise from Chicago’s leading stores; who knows, maybe some cash awards, too? But you’ve heard these people in radio broad¬ casts many times, and laughed at them. They’re going to be in one of the season’s biggest shows, soon to be seen in Chicago. So get busy now. Write down the first and last names of these three people. Mail them with your name and address, to the “Mystery Three’’ Editor, The Chicago News. All entries must be in by Tuesday midnight. Send as many as you like. Employees of The News and their relatives, and theatrical employees may not compete. Both on Two-Column Mat I\o. 11 Mat .10 Cut .40 Here is a two column mat giving you two two- column scenes from “Kid Millions.’’ Either or both can be effectively used for illustration of a feature story. Better still, they make an excellent newspage contest. The specimen stories accompanying them are ex¬ amples of how an “identify them from the back’’ contest can be presented, the first as the problem piece, the second as the revelation with the pub¬ lished list of winners. BLUE MOON hosiery tie-up in great coast -to -CO ast coverage Blue Moon Hosiery, headquarters at 347 Fifth Avenue, New York City, manu¬ facture, distribute and nationally adver¬ tise “America’s Most Beautiful Hosiery’’ for women. There is a livewire sales and promotion organization representing this stocking, and the trademark and quality of their product is known the world over. “Once in a Blue Moon,’’ comes a pic¬ ture as big and rich in entertainment as “Kid Millions.’’ The Coldwyn Girls, two of whom have been photographed close- up with Blue Moon Stockings on, are the last word in “O-K’s” for Blue Moon Hosiery. All of which is to say that every deal¬ er in your town handling Blue Moon Hosiery, ought to have window displays tying up “Kid Millions’’ with this fem¬ inine necessity, and a quantity of special novelties, or circulars, for counter dis¬ tribution, wrap-ins, and mailing lists, calling attention to the show and the stocking. Illustrated is a special circular with effective imprints to serve this purpose. Blue Moon stores have been advised to open up for this tie-up. See that all these stores, in advance, have a quantity of these circulars. Elsewhere you will find a kick-up girl novelty folder which can be similarly distributed and displayed. Circulars as shown, with your theatre imprint and playdate and Blue Moon boost, should be ordered at once from ECONOMY NOVELTY & PRINTING COMPANY, 239 West 39th Street, New York City. Remittance with order or C.O.D. Prices: 1000—$3.00; 5000— 2.50 per M; 10000—2.25 per M. If dealer wants to share in imprint, change of imprint will cost $1.00 extra for composition charge, for any quantity. LIKfc " Kl D MILLIO N/ " nAiaotf EDDIE: “And you mean to say you get stockings for all your beauti¬ ful harem girls at this low cost?” SHAH-PSHAW: “Yes, yes, easiest thing in the world; been doing it for years You can’t KID MIL¬ LIONS! For street, boudoir or stage and screen wear, BLUE MOON HOSIERY is the most economic invest¬ ment in beautiful legs ever mode. The gor¬ geous Goldwyn girls featured with EDDIE CANTOR in “Kid Mil¬ lions”, a United Artists release, give the last word in professional “O-K’s” to America’s Most Beautiful Silk Stockings.