Kid Millions (United Artists) (1934)

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MYSTIC seer STAGE base for big standee Here’s another attractive special display acces¬ sory, a lifesize, full color standee in which the easel back method of upright support is supplanted by a curved stage bottom piece. This curved base is cut out and papered over so that a light spotted in back illuminates the copy. They stand nearly seven feet high. Price is $6.45 each, F. O. B. New York. Order direct from American Display Company, 375 Tenth Avenue, New York City, remittance with order, or C. O. D. Contact Ameri¬ can Display for other special needs for window and theatre front. predicts hit A novelty mystic booth in Arab tent fash¬ ion can be rigged up in the theatre lobby or foyer, a little vacant hole-in-the-wall room, or a friendly hotel lobby. Get the services of some competent palmist or tea-leaf reader, or fortune teller. Dress him or her in costumes similar to those seen in the Egyptian sequences of the picture. Loud colored awning or canopy, magic crystals, perhaps a pretty girl attend¬ ant or two can give the exterior the right note. Inside you can make a flash display of stills, lobby cards, posters. A real fortune can be told by the seer, the reading finished off by handing the patron a herald on the production after being advised that he or she is “soon to see the best picture ever shown.” A natural advance ballyhoo tie-up with a tea-shop or restaurant, reading fortunes by tea leaves, and with some leading tea brand plugged for defraying part of the cost. MERMAN matched scarf and purse in mat Here’s Ethel Merman featur¬ ing a matched scarf, purse and hat that should hit with any store. Merman is a name well known to stage, radio and screen. This mat can be worked into small-cost department store ads, can be used on the fashion pages to illustrate the lead par¬ agraph in a mode-of-the-mo- ment story, and the still or a blowup will lend swank to win¬ dow displays. The still is Merman No. 6. One-Col. Mat No. 18 — .05; Cut .20 TABLOID herald real ^*extra*^ for ballyhoo distribution Exhibitors put the tabloid herald on the last Cantor feature into the better than million circulation class. That feature did record business. Here’s another catchy and gay tabloid on the barge kid who fell heir to. millions. Arresting headlines, plenty of comedy copy, smash scenes from production, and generous imprint space on the big inside spread. Distribute them like a real “wuxtra” on an “extra” attraction. Parked cars, hotel rooms, inserted in standard news tabs, mail boxes for homes and apartments, counter circulation and mailing lists, wrap-ins with dealer sharing imprint, handed out by street ballyhoo hirelings in costume befitting the settings, released en masse right after the last evening paper is distributed in all neighborhoods by boys shouting “wuxtra”—no limit to the way in which heralds can be circulated. Order direct from PACE PRESS 207 WEST 25th STREET NEW YORK CITY Money order or check with order, or will ship C. O. D. Price, without your imprint in space designed for three-column ad: 1000 to 5000 —$4.00 per M; 6000 to 10,000—$3.75 per M; over 10,000—$3.50 per M. Imprinting charge by Pace Press: Composition, $3.50; imprint run, $1.50 per thousand copies extra.