Kiki (United Artists) (1931)

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The black plate illustrated on this page up to and including the star head is available in mat form 17—Four Col. Ad (Mat 30c; Cut UNITED ARTIST* PICTURf There's pathos, there's laughter, there's piquancy, there's charm in this glorious romantic adventure with which David Belasco entranced Broadway audi¬ ences during a record run in New York. Smartest of smart entertainments, it's the merriest love comedy ever to batter the blues and make you feel good all over. Kiki introduces a new Mary Pickford, a Pickford who strikes the high note of happiness with the screen's most captivating characterization. A cyclone of fun, gaiety, action and romance. The rare artistry of the .screen's foremost actress comes to full expression as the little hoyden, the mad¬ cap mischief-maker who fell in love with the grandest of men only to find that his heart was lost to another woman. You'll be in an ecstasy of joy watching Mary as this adorable imp turning tables on the opposition, set¬ ting her man crazy, crazy enough to make him fall in love with her and put her in a smart Parisian revue. When she put the show on the kibosh with her shinani- gans her man was crazy enough not to be angry. That's love! Here's a romance unlike any you've ever seen on the screen. It's funny as a reformed suffragette; as amaz¬ ing as your kid sister and entertaining as a bachelor party. With More Winners to Her Credit than Any Other Star This Great Favorite Now Gives You Her Supreme Hit! P PRODUCTION Kl Kl WITH REGINALD DENNY $ 1 . 00 }. Printed in U. S. A.