Kings Go Forth (United Artists) (1958)

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ADVERTISING After producing “The Robe”, one of the most successful motion pictures of all time, Frank Ross searched long for another theme with such universal appeal, emotional depth and compelling warmth. REVIEW ADS! Add local review excerpts as soon as available for both newspaper advertising or for lobby display, enlarging this ad direct from here for such display. FRANK SINATRA TONY CURTIS He found it in “Kings Go Forth”, a modern, powerful story of three people caught in the thunder of war and the storm of love. In bringing this bold best-seller to the screen, producer Ross has cast the parts of the three impassioned people with three impassioned talents. REVIEW QUOTES IN THIS SPACE Frank Sinatra’s role as Lt. Sam Loggins reveals the same brilliance that won him an Academy Award in “From Here To Eternity”. Tony Curtis’ compelling performance as handsome, reckless Britt Harris is the talk of the Hollywood preview rooms, just as it will be the talk in theatre lobbies, wherever the picture plays. sss ~* LEORA DA From the novel “Kings Go Forth” by JOE DAVID BROWN Directed by DELMER DAVES Screenplay by MERLE MILLER Music by ELMER BERNSTEIN-A ROSS-ETON Production Released thru UNITED (TJ ARTISTS T H E A T Soe “" Se s SS RS . ete eee And the portrayal by Natalie Wood, the teenager’s darling who comes to screen maturity as lovely, loving Monique, provides you with a stunning screen surprise. Ee eo . Lod SEES ie s 3 Cols. x 103 Lines—309 Lines (22 Inches) Mat 303 You will always remember the very human beings who attain the stature #2 # s of kings—in battle and i a in Schum this, the Lis most challenging love story of our time. ate eines a pacage aes sacaeaecsct These Women Wrote This Ad For Kings Go Forth’... PHOTO es PHOTO oi 4 THIS AD is designed to capitalize on the excellent sheer seg oe sigesnta ee ee from women who have seen the picture in previews. If you stage PHOTO (Comment PHOTO (Comment such a preview (see pages F Here) Here) 2-3) use photos, names RANK and addresses and comSIN AT a fies oe ments for this ad. If neca ak essary, get photos and FRANK Ladd | Wan an comments from women SINATRA! CuRTIS ; Wo0D ; after your first regular a showing. For extra effect, . me FRANK ROSS erosuetin Forth es add notary seal to attest Ee a a to authenticity. 2 Forth Se From the novel “Kings Go Forth’ by JOE DAVID BROWN: Directed by DELMER DAVES From the novel ‘Kings Go Forth” by JOE DAVID BROWN: Directed by DELMER DAVES oe A Be oe ate PN ey UNITED[ILY ARTISTS. Eg : Screenplay by MERLE MILLER: music by ELMER BERNSTEIN cc 2 4 This mat alse available A ROSS-ETON Production Released thru UNITED[IZ.J ARTISTS _=~—=«is«sése.C in 3-Col. size. Order 2 Cols. x 66 Lines—132 Lines (10 Inches) Mat 211 MAT 307 (300 lines) 3 Cols. x 225 Lines—675 Lines (48 Inches) Mat 301 PAGE )