Ladybug Ladybug (United Artists) (1963)

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a new motion .a picture dedicated to life picture... Frank and Eleanor Perry, makers of “David and Lisa,”’ | have produced Produced and Directed by FRANK x Screenplay by THEATRE LADYBUG LADYBUG ELEANOR PERRY UNITED ARTISTS Music Composed and Conducted by ROBERT COBERT Based on a story by LOIS DICKERT From an actual incident Released thru Associate Producer STEPHEN F. KESTEN PALA Mat 403 4 Cols. x 100 Lines—400 Lines (29 Inches) Official Billing The Story The Cast (Not for Publication) THE ADULTS: Bee cs ; : ‘ Mrs. Maxton, the Dietician ........ Jane Connell Francis Productions 25% With lightning abruptness and wholly without ee the Mr. Calkins, the Principal ....William Daniels alert signal that an atomic attack is imminent sounds in the es Se James Frawley office of the principal of a rural elementary school somewhere JoAnn’s Father ................... Richard Hamilton presents LADYBUG LADYBUG _ 10% Produced and Directed by Frank Perry 407% Screenplay by Eleanor Perry 40% Based on a story by Lois Dickert From an actual incident Associate Producer Stephen F. Kesten 25% Music Composed and Conducted by Robert Cobert 257% Released thru United Artists 49% in America. The principal had been instructed that he is to send the children home as soon as he gets such a signal. He is not to ask questions. However, he attempts to check by telephone but can reach no one in authority. His duty is clear. He must send the children home, in groups attended by teachers. And he must send them all the way home—not into the yard or up the road a way as was the case during the practice alerts. The groups start out. Our camera goes with them. It watches the growing concern of the teachers, who do not know whether this is the real thing or merely another drill. It sees this concern grow into fear and reach down to the older children and, from them, to the youngest. It sees blind fear and terror take over. It follows some of the children into their homes. It pursues others along the dusty roads to—who knows where? By the time the principal has discovered that the alert was due to a faulty mechanism, it is too late to recall all the children. Our camera now takes up with one fleeing group. It studies the personal reactions, the fears, the private terrors of each of its members. It finally focuses upon and follows one boy, whose terror has carried him to the city dump in his blind search for a hiding place from the death which is soon to rain down from the heavens. He hears a distant plane. He doesn’t know it is a commercial plane going about its normal and peaceful business. He believes it is the enemy, carrying the deadly load which will soon destroy the world. “Stop! Stop! Stop!” he screams at the oncoming plane high above him. “Stop! Stop! Stop!” he screams into the camera and, through it, to you, his elders in the audience. (Running Time: 81 Minutes) Mrs. Forbes, the Secretary ........ Kathryn Hays Mrs. Hayworth, the Art Teacher Jane Hoffman Don and Trudy’s Mother ............ Elena Karam Luke’s Grandmother ................... Judith Lowry Mrs. Andrews, the Sixth Grade Teacher Nancy Marchand JoAnn’s Mother 0.0... Estelle Parsons THE CHILDREN: RMD ee hee ah cdasaca aces Doug Chapin et ck eae Miles Chapin Cee ey, eee Bozo Dell MUU BOGE ah, See Dianne Higgins ERG? ioe Alan Howard DIONE eer ee Christopher Howard Digmtrt ce |: ioe, alae 3) met David Komoroff Bia foe ee ee Donnie Melvin TMA ee ih Ya Oia aA. Pipa Susan Melvin SORMMDS hee i. eae, «eae Linda Meyer FiGmibhe to Ge, costes... atit..ic Alice Playten RGmGhice Ws... Fes ee Marilyn Rogers POrte c)... o8.. 0... ee. See Jennifer Stone © Production Staff Produced and Directed by ............ Frank Perry DCRCRINNGY§ CoS ES ed oo Eleanor Perry based on a story by Lois Dickert, from an actual incident Associate Producer ............ Stephen F. Kesten Music Composed and Conducted by Robert Cobert Director of Photography Leonard Hirschfield Paty CONOR ia Armond Lebowitz ON ics 6 tras ee Stanley Kasper A Francis Productions Presentation Released through United Artists PAGE >