Mad Wednesday (United Artists) (1947)

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ttiiws Here's the zaniest, most hilarious situation comedy since Preston Sturges delivered sextuplets to his howling audiences in "Miracle of Morgan's Creek"! Here's the wildest, wackiest, most bollixed-up screen shenanigans since Preston Sturges made "The Great McGinty" the "peepul's cherce"! It's been a long time since the public has howled at a new Preston Sturges picture! Now here it is . . . Sturges' latest, greatest and funniest film! It's a Sturges special that has mighty grosses stamped all over it! United Artists has set up a giant pre-selling campaign that's guar¬ anteed to bring in every last dollar to your box-office! Newspapers, radio and wide¬ spread posting locations are being used extensively in key spots to make "Mad Wednesday" a date all America will keep! Go back to showmanship for a campaign con¬ sistent with the box office power of this newest Sturges smash! Such a coordinated campaign is completely outlined for you on the following pages . . .