Moulin Rouge (United Artists) (1934)

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COFFEE sold by MAXWELL HOUSE They’ll “GO WITH YOU” J\EW YORK'S BEST “Spot” right on Broadway at the Times- Square sector has been set aside for a display of the Maxwell House Coffee tie-up with “Moulin Rouge,” timed to its New York opening. Constance Bennett, the Boswell Sisters, Russ Columbo and choruses feature the number “Coffee in the Morning.” Maxwell House dealers, and restaurants or shops serving this coffee are authorized to “go with you” on this tie-up. Give them stills, cut-outs; help them with ads and windows; and use this streamer idea; the copy imprint and the theatre imprint will follow your re¬ quirements — so send ’em along. Windows, menus, back-of-the-counter &zK! U t co« eC 1 A c» reSseS and \ a ie, y 0, ^ V .HrV" \\kc n ce Makes a Perfect Day jmua CONSTANCE , BENNETT* MOULIN ROUGE lAlACIE FRISKY NEW TIE EATM FRENGtt PARSE Vn.tszn.ttd 2 ©Wiwr =4 UNITED ARTISTS foUtut Streamer 8" x 15" On heavy paper; car-card size, 50—$2.00; 100— Car-card stock; fifty for $3.00; $4.50 per 100; $3.00; 250 for $5.00; less for quantity orders. 250 for $7.50. Lower rates for quantity orders. mirrors, truck sides and shipments are spots for Lhis streamer. It’s available as a car-card, too. And, if any dealer or shop has a reason for plugging their own line, go with them just so you get your own credit and play date alongside their imprint. There’s an eye-arresting coffee display on Broadway — a beautiful big cut-out coffee cup, from which real steam vaporizes thru jets set in back and below its edge; you or your coffee dealer can do that, too. CORKSCREWS ARE “KEYS” Here’s teaser copy imprinted on 4-inch envelopes that bear souvenir corkscrews as “keys”; a novelty that goes on working for you after the envelope has passed, because the picture title is embossed on every corkscrew. illllllllllllllllllllllM Here’s Your KEY to “MOULIN ROUGE” forbidden rendezvous of love a la Paris, where a zipping ro¬ mantic comedy cocktail will be uncorked . • Constance Bennett will show you how to use it All Week Beginning FRIDAY at KEITH’S Theatre In envelopes with your im¬ print. 500 for $4.50 1000 for $6.00 3000—$5.75 per M 5000—$5.50 per M 44 CI ass” INVITATIONAL FOLDER An attractive invitation folder that is not a throwaway alone. The invita¬ tional angle follows up inside with an arrangement in which the imprint is shared by the theatre and any merchant who cares to co-operate using them as wrap-ins, reminders, etc. Constance Bennett invites you to penetrate her love game in “Moulin Rouge,” starting Friday at the Rivoli Theatre. Meakin’s invites you to try Covington’s newest and smartest lunching palace at etc. Strong high grade vellum paper, 4" x 7" folded; 7" x 7" opened. One im¬ print, including theatre, playdate and merchant copy, at $4.00 for 500; $5.00 for 1000; $4.75 per M for order of 3000; $4.50 per M for orders of 5000. Change of tie-up copy at composition cost of $1.00 per change, regardless of quantity. for CARNIVAL ATMOSPHERE Crepe paper, serpentine, confetti, and any DOMINO MASQUES These domino masks are in keeping with the spirit of “Moulin Rouge”; brightly colored, die cut all around and with eye holes and elastic; imprint 250 — $4.00; 500 — $6.00; 1000 — includes theatre name and $9.50; 3000 — $9.00 per M. playdate. other decorative material or atmospheric ac¬ cessories needed for that “Moulin Rouge” mardi gras touch can be had in variety from the Economy Novelty Company. Particularly attractive is a carnival crepe sheet done in six colors with balloons, lanterns, masks, con¬ fetti and serpentine adornment, in sheets 10 feet long by twenty inches wide. For panels, wall borders, and can be adapted to gay skirts, waists and trousers for usherettes. Priced at 35 cents a single sheet. HANGERS A truly beautiful doorknob hanger that can be distributed also on milk bottles, beverage bottles, and hung on automobile door handles. The star is there, the red mill arms disport beautiful girls, and the imprint is made to fit your directions. 500-$4.50; lOOO-$6.00; 3000-$5.75 per M; 5000-$5.50 per M. Remittance with order will save C. O. D. charges. Any Item oil This Page Should Be Ordered DIRECT from ECONOMY NOVELTY & PRINTING CO. 239 WEST 39th STREET.NEW YORK, N. Y.