Nothing Sacred (United Artists) (1937)

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BATTLE DF THE EEIVTURA battling lombard vs. k. o. march Five fast rounds with the stars of David O. Selznick's "Nothing Sacred" as they fight to a finish. Round One. There goes the bell! And they’re at it fast and furious, exchanging profile for profile. Freddie straightarms Carole with his left while he winds up for a quick jab with his right. But Oh, that Lombard footwork. Round Two. Now they’re hav¬ ing a clinch! K. O. March, hav¬ ing failed to score a knockout with his fists, tries a bit of jiu jitsu. But watch that right, Freddie—and why don’t you keep your coat on when fighting with a lady? Round Three. Socko! The birdies are singing a little Ca¬ role. Freddie connects with a roundhouse punch, without even stopping to light his cigarette. But the fight isn’t over yet—wait till Carole calls her big brother! Round Four. Oops! That man’s here again! This one might be a haymaker, but Fred¬ die doesn’t like hay. Carole is just trying to wear him down. Just one more punch, Freddie, and you’ll be able to get that smoke. Round Five. Ah look, Carole. I was only foolin’. Aw listen, can’t you take a joke? ... It probably hurts him more than it does her. . . . Well, Freddie, hope this will teach you to be kind to little girls! 30 DAYS TD LIVE - LETTER EDYTEST It’s an idea that touches the deepest, most personal feelings of every man and woman—which makes it a natural for a broad-appeal letter competition. “What would you do if you had just thirty days left to live?” Everyone has thought about it at some time or other. Some will say one thing, some another— hut they’ll all want to say something. Ask them to see “Nothing Sacred,” in which Hazel Flagg faces this situation, and see what she did—then write their letters and compete for prizes or ducats. Publicity Story THIRTY DAYS TO LIVE —WHAT WOULD YOU DO? PRIZES FOR ANSWERS! What would you do—and you, and you, if you had just thirty days to live? A disturbing thought? Perhaps—but it’s the basis of a hilarious situation in which Carole Lombard and Fredric March arei involved in the new David O. Selz- nick Technicolor picture, “Nothing Sacred,” coming to the Astor Theatre next. And it’s the basis, too, of a new and absorbing contest inspired by the picture which starts today in the Clobe-Herald. Can you state clearly, in a letter of not more than 1 50 words, just what you would do if you had thirty days left to live? For the best letters answering this question, this newspaper and the Astor theatre will award three prizes of $15, $10 and $5 respectively, plus twelve pairs of guest tickets to “Nothing Sacred.” Would you go on a “tear” if you had thirty days left to live, and do all the exciting and enjoyable things you missed doing in your lifetime? Or would you go to work furiously and try to complete some important task you had set out to do? Or would you go into seclusion and try to make your peace with eternity? Or what would you do? Here’s material for fascinating speculation'—and a chance to profit thereby. Get into the game—write your letter today. You may be one of the lucky prize¬ winners, and in any event you’ll have a lot of fun. All letters must be addressed to “Nothing Sacred” Contest Editor, and must be postmarked not later than.. BROADCAST THE FIGHT In situations where ordinances permit the use of your P.A. system, you can start the crowd rolling your way by broadcasting a round-by-round description of the big Lombard-March bout over your loud¬ speaker. The loudspeaker should be placed out¬ side of the house with an announcement that the description is coming right from the ringside of “Nothing Sacred.” The stunt can be further dressed up with the stills illustrating the fight from the “Noth¬ ing Sacred” book, and there are some beauties! Have somebody who’s got a nice sense of timing and some humor on the micro¬ phone, and don’t be afraid to gag it up. PLANT THE BIG FIGHT STRIP Here’s the funniest photo feature you’ve had in many a day. The stills, chosen from the set, illustrate the climactic sequence of the picture. Boy socks girl—five rounds of fast boxing to a finish! It’s a photo feature that any editor will go for. Get it planted! Order the mat in 7-column or 5-column size: 7-col. mat No. 18G—$1.05 (Cut—$2.00). 5-col. mat No. 19E—75c (Cut $1.25). GAG OBITUARY CONTEST As punishment for making his news¬ paper a laughing stock by falling for a giant hoax, star reporter Freddie March is reduced to the humble job of obituary editor—the fellow who handles the death notice column. Get the fans to help Freddie write his goofy “obits” in keeping with the hare¬ brained flavor of the story. Offer ducats or small cash prizes for the funniest obit¬ uary notices sent in by a reader. You can publicize the contest through giveaway leaflets, or plant it in your local newspaper. Here are some sample gag obituaries that you may serve up as models: To his eternal dwelling place Has gone Horatio Knott. No longer can they say of him, “That guy is not so hot!” Josephus Blubb has passed away. Caught by the Reaper s sickle. He leaves a wife bowed down with woe And not a doggone nickel! By his loving, loyal friends who will never forget him, this memorial notice is dedicated to the revered memory of—say, what was xhe guys name, anyway? Clock the Howls With LAUGH-METER A howling comedy like “Nothing Sac¬ red calls for the use of the Laugh-meter in your lobby or on the front of your theatre. Rig it up good and large in the form of a thermometer or a dial, graduating the intensity of the laughs by labeling the sections of your meter thus: “Chuckles;” “Guffaws;” “Howls;” “Bel¬ ly Laughs;” “Screams;” and finally, “Roll- ing in the Aisles.” Hook up your indicator to a motor inside, which will keep it constantly oscil- lating at a furious pace. You might also use the laugh record as a fitting, realistic top-off to your Laugh-meter. Page Three