Odds Against Tomorrow (United Artists) (1959)

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THIS ISNT A STORYITS AN EXPLOSION ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW COMING SOON! THEATRE 3 Cols. x 70 Lines—210 Lines (15 Inches) Mat 307 Set It Up For Every Kind of Audience With These All-Angle, All-Size TOMORROW | cat TOMORROW! and LOMORROW YOU'LL REMEMBER ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW 2 Cols. x 40 Lines—80 Lines (6 Inches) Mat 214 Schedule these unusual teasers off or on the amusement page . in whatever combinations best suits your area and your budget. Teasers include special ads for teen-agers and jazz fans (Ad 212 on page 2). Follow up teasers with the hard-hitting display ads. TOMORROW AND TOMORROW AND AN TOMORROW Y YOU'LL REMEMBER .. TWISTING LIVING SUSPENSE OF... Opps AGAINST "loOMORROW COMING SOON! THEATRE 2 Cols. x 78 Lines—156 Lines (11 Inches) Mat 209 uc TOMORROW | ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW > 0 Ge oe 0 2 fe) hea 3 YOU’LL REMEMBER TOMORROW 2 Cols. x 40 Lines—80 Lines (6 Inches) Mat 213 ORDER ALL AD MATS FROM NATIONAL SCREEN EXCHANGE PAGE 8