Of Mice and Men (United Artists) (1939)

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CASH IN, SHOWMEN! ... On the ready-made audience eagerness to see MICE AND MEN” in all its stirring drama . . . Cash in on the intensely human appeal of the famous story ... On the powerful performance of the great cast headed by Bur¬ gess Meredith, Betty Field, Lon Chaney, Jr., and Charles Bickford ... On the topnotch direction by Lewis Milestone, who megaphoned Quiet on the Western Front,” and ^^The Front Page” ... On the brilliant sho\mianship lavished on the production by Producer Hal Roach! . . . Cash in by following, page by page, the sugges¬ tions and materials given you in this pressbook —suggestions and materials that will help you turn every powerful audience appeal into extra profits! ★ WHAT YOU WILL FIND IN THIS PRESSBOOK National Tieups.Page 2 Zenith Radio, Lux, Triangle Books, E. B. Myers Exploitation . Pages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 16 Newspaper, Lobby, Outdoor, Radio, School, Front, and Miscellaneous Stunts Full-Page Sunday Feature . . Pages 8, 9 Publicity Stories and Mats . . Pages 11-15 Novelties.Page 10 Accessories .... Inside Back Cover ★ Posters . . . . Back Cover