On the Beach (United Artists) (1959)

Record Details:

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A Pattern of Unparelleled Success For Your Own Day-By-Day Selling Campaign Here in detail is a plan you can follow for the kind of blockbusting business this picture is doing throughout the world. STANLEY KRAMER’S rroouction of On e 4 WEEKS IN ADVANCE 7; Page a Screening Rrogram..2.5..8 2205.08... eee: eee OO... ee 6 S Arrange for School Classroom Discussion ..............0.ccccccccccccccecseeseeseee 8 Arrange for Women’s Clubs Featurette Showings .................ccc000000.. 8 Start Music /Promotion) 2 5..3.6<:...5... Ree ee ete eco 6 Set Up Book Displays In Stores ............0...0ccccccccccccescescesccsseseccceseesees 10 Post Parents’ Award 1-Sheet in Lobby and Schools .......................... 12 Set Up Junior Ambassador School Contest .........0......ccccccccccecceeceseen. 6 Teaser Poster Campaign (If You Never See Another Motion Pictaren.ctet.) san cena rs 2 4h) ee per ys Sener 24 Neaser TratlevOnScreentens.ctscc. ccc esate ose ene ne ae RE 4 GREGORY PECK TIHYIE: AVA GARONE e 3 WEEKS IN ADVANCE Page Order Flag and Valances ................ 12 Schedule Radio and TV Material.... 10 . Radio Spots and Publicity Coverage Interviews .......... 10 Begins.................... 16, 18, 20, 22 2. Radio Lobby Record.. 10 Foreign Posters 40 x 60 3. TV Spots... 10 in Inner Lobby ....................... 4 4. TV Featurette ........ 4 5. Music Album Covers 6 6. Teaser Trailer ........ 4 e 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE 7. Featurette For Women’s Clubs.... 8 Teaser Ads Shetelelefelerslalaielelsisisistefalsteistelyeeteletevere 4, 5, 13 8. Book Display “World-Wide Acclaim Material ............ 10 40x 60" in Lobb ysctcscssictht tacos: 4 2 ee Mazesine: bk Solicit Editorial Page Comment...... 6 meSchoolibeocharasian Set Up Fred Astaire Dance Studio Promotion .................... 10 INTRODUCING Set Up Newspaper Photo Contest ..............0000c:ccccccccececsssccesensteceeenses 8 Start Count-Down Stunt .................ccccccccossscesssccssssecessssesssevesssveesseeeses 8 “IF YOU NEVER” Marquee Stretcher Goes Up .................000ccccceeee 12 e 1 WEEK IN ADVANCE Select a ‘Miss Home Town” and “Miss Universe”’ tovActiAs Your: Hostesses: .::...5.cccccssccc oe eee ee ee 8 Star: Interviews on; Radio ..--:¢00..5258o.s0000 eeeeh tows eshevscsacher omens as 10 Regular Trailer On Your Screem ..............ccccccccccesssececesssceecessseeeessseees 4 Auto Bumper Strips Distributed ...............0.....cccccccccccccececesessseesseeeeee 12 Schedule TV Featurette of Global Premieres ....................00000000cce000e 4 Distribute Tabloid Heralds .....................cccccccccccccccccecceesecceececceeeceeeeees 12 Records Shattered Maximum Display Ad Campaign ° e CURRENT In Every Key Opening Flag and Valances JU pi.nu... c.g cath ets, «costa actor dee nest cee ee ama eee 12 . Music and Book Coverage ..............cccccccsssecceessseeeeeststeeeeeseneeeeessseaas 6, 10 Junior Ambassadors Feted ...............ccccccccccccceceeesseseeeeseeeeeassseseeceeeeanes 6 From New York to San Francisco Hostesses “At Opening! jicccss.stiosrrssaccuntcthsaa-deosstutee ranean seen cee omeutane ties 8 Wayne Miller Photo Display In Lobby ....................:.s0eecsecceeeeeeeeeeseees 12 And Around The World! Day-By-Day Exploitation) s::.t.c-.ctecccvercreurcceascnesttces ncret sesame roeeis 8