On the Beach (United Artists) (1959)

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NEW YORK “DEEPLY MOVING! SPLENDIDLY DONE! THE GREAT MERIT OF THIS PICTURE, ASIDE FROM ITS ENTERTAINING QUALITIES, IS THAT IT CARRIES A PASSIONATE CONVICTION!” —N.Y.Times ALL OVER THE WORLD! ROME gi "One of the most moving and touch. ing pictures in years!” —Rome Paese TORONTO « “Belongs on Any List of The Best Movies of 19591!” —Toronto Telegram LONDON A. “MAGNIFICENT... MUST NOT BE MISSED!” —London Evening Standard The Jopanese! Royall Family the wemiere. TOKYO #4 “An Unprecedented Event In Motion Pic . ’ a ture History!” 7 va —Tokyo Mainichi “ fi CHICAGO sdimallin Day, “The Most Realistic = vi Drama Of Our Time! A Master piece...Intellec tually Devastating ... Emotionally Ex hausting!”’ —Chicago Daily News Released thru UNITED (TY aRTisTs THEATRE 4 Cols. x 133 Linec—532 Lines (38 Inches) LOS ANGELES “ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PICTURES EVER MADE!” BERLIN tt “EXCELLENT! EXTRAORDINARY MOTION PICTURE!’ —serin8z MELBOURNE , 72 “Tremendous Power And Impact...Leaves You Breathless!” —Melbourne Age Soviet film producer Mark Donskoy § at the Moscow opening. MOSCOW $16 “A Great Success!” —Tass News Agency WASHINGTON we “Some Movies May Be Properly Called Epics... Others Labeled Classics. There is A Category Of Monumental Movies. ‘On The Beach’ More Than Qualifies For All Three Superlative Distinctions.” —Washington Daily News JOHANNESBURG{* “SPLENDID... TREMENDOUS IMPACT 0” sohannesburg Sunday Times LIMA “One Of The Most Extraordinary Pictures That Has Ever Been Made!’’ —La Cronica, Lima Mat 403 NEW YORK ACCLAIMS A WORLD-WIDE TRIUMPH \“The best picture of the year...beautifully made, remarkably absorbing”, said the New York Times. “The best picture of the year...visually exciting”, said the New York Herald Tribune. If you never see another motion picture in your life, you must see“ON THE BEACH”’. 2 Cols. x 44 Lines—88 Lines (6 Inches) Mat 242 PHILADELPHIA ACCLAIMS A WORLD-WIDE TRIUMPH The Philadelphia Inquirer stated: ‘“There is not the slightest doubt that this is the most important motion picture ever produced and the most moving...it merits first claim on the years Academy Awards”. If you never see another motion picture in your life, you must see SON THE BEACH”. 2 Cols. x 44 Lines—88 Lines (6 Inches) Mat 245 CHICAGO ACCLAIMS A WORLD-WIDE TRIUMPH The Chicago Daily News called it “The most realistic drama of our time...a masterpiece...intellectually devastating and emotionally exhausting.” If you never see another motion picture in your life, you must see “ON THE BEACH’’. 2 Cols. x 44 Lines—88 Lines (6 Inches) Mat 248 ADVERTISING ACCLAIMS A WORLD-WIDE TRIUMPH “An unprecedented event in motion picture history”, were the words that came from Tokyo’s Mainichi. The Japan Times called it “shattering”. If you never see another motion picture in your life, you must see“ON THE BEACH”. 2 Cols. x 44 Lines—88 Lines (6 Inches) Mat 247 LONDON ACCLAIMS A WORLD-WIDE TRIUMPH The London Evening Standard called it ‘‘magnificent”’ and went on to state that “it must not be missed’. The Reynolds News said it was “superbly done” and the Sunday Times called it “brilliant”. If you never see another motion picture in your life, you must see ““ON THE BEACH”’. 2 Cols. x 44 Lines—88 Lines (6 Inches) Mat 246 Here are more “world acclaim” teasers; others on b >» ‘a pages 5 and 8. Teasers can also be reprinted on cards or stickers for posting in stores and cn available posts. PAGE 7