Spellbound (United Artists) (1945)

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One of the most extensive advertising campaigns ever set for a motion picture was this one which preceded the general release of “Spellbound.” Beginning months in ad¬ vance, and continuing right up to this very moment, the American public has seen a veritable avalanche of ads in favorite magazines heralding David O. Selznick’s triumphant hit, “Spellbound.” For an idea of the extent and effectiveness of this great campaign we list here some of the magazines — and their cir¬ culations -which have already shouted the message of “Spellbound” to the American public. Circulation LIBERTY March 24 1,262,296 SCREEN STARS May 341,651 MODERN SCREEN May 1,13 5,853 SCREEN ROMANCES May 454,253 Hunter Screen Unit SCREENLAND May 845,497 SILVER SCREEN May Fawcett Screen Unit MOVIE STORY MAG. May 597,967 MOTION PICTURE May 749,127 Ideal Movie Group MOVIE LIFE May 38 6,772 MOVIE STARS PARADE May 348,3 67 MOVIES May 380,181 MOVIELAND May 517,422 MacFadden Mens Group TRUE DETECTIVE May 460,032 MASTER DETECTIVE May Dell Detective Group INSIDE DETECTIVE May 1,170,067 FRONT PAGE DETECTIVE May LIFE March 12 4,040,300 TIME May 28 TIME June 2 5 TIME July 30 TIME Aug. 27 LIBERTY July 7 LIBERTY Aug. 4 LIBERTY Sept. 1 LIBERTY Sept. 29 1,178,009 1,178,009 1,178,009 1,178,009 1,181,648 1,181,648 1,181,648 1,181,648 LOOK April 3 1,895,265 LIBERTY April 21 1,262,296 GO Oct. 42,000 CUE Oct. 6 52,828 Hunter Screen Unit MOVIE SHOW May 206,091 SCREEN GUIDE May 500,000 OFFICIAL DETECTIVE STORIES June 453,406 Fawcett Screen Unit MOVIE STORY MAG. June 597,967 MOTION PICTURE June 749,127 Hunter Screen Unit Combination SCREENLAND June 845,497 SILVER SCREEN June Ideal Movie Group MOVIE LIFE June 386,772 MOVIE STARS PARADE June 348,367 MOVIES June 380,181 MODERN SCREEN June 1,13 5,853 SCREEN ROMANCES June 454,253 MOVIELAND June 517,422 PHOTOPLAY June 993,184 SCREEN STARS July 341,651 Hunter Screen Unit Combination MOVIE SHOW, June 206,091 SCREEN GUIDE June 341,651 LIFE April 30 4,040,300