Stella Dallas (United Artists, 1937) (1937)

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The photographs show Bar¬ bara O’Neil posing in a series of stunning models, merchandised through your local stores. “MODERN" EXPLOITS. “DALLAS” STYLES. Modern Merchandising is exploiting a group of selected styles from ‘‘Stella Dallas,” gowns and coats that are the last word in fashion appeal. You can tie your campaign to this promotion for powerful local appeal. All the styles are being merchandised through the nation-wide Cinema shop tie-up. For the purposes of theatre tie-up, window, store, counter dis¬ play material, and advertising mats have been provided. Get in on this tie-up as soon as you book the picture. Line up your local Cinema Shop for a big campaign on “Stella Dallas.” _ For information on local dealers, tie-up material, contact: MODERN MERCHANDISING BUREAU, Inc. 67 WEST 44th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. TWO BIG ADVANCE SERIALS FOR YOU TO PLANT!’ THE PICTURE SERIAL — Set up in six days of eight- column photo strip. Scenes from the production and text are deftly blended in an exciting, moving serialization of your great new Goldwyn hit. This is the feature that has been rapidly proving itself most popular with readers and editors throughout the country, most profitable for theatres. This feature comes to you matted for insertion, in six consecutive chapters, together with promotion material. Price, for six mats complete, $2.00. THE NEWS SERIAL — 5,000 words, six chapters. Here is a skilfully written version of the motion picture story of “Stella Dallas.” Remember how phenomenally popular the “Stella Dallas” novel proved and is still proving itself? Then you will realize how eager your local paper will be to run this one. Be sure to cash in on this feature by using the advance ad, tack cards, truck posters, etc., to tie this popular editorial feature to your showing of the Goldwyn hit. It comes to ymi in six two-column chapters, complete with illustration and advance ad, matted for $1.00. Free tear sheets for those papers wishing to set the serial locally. Order from EXPLOITATION DEPT., UNITED ARTISTS CORP. 729 SEVENTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 15-MINUTE ELECTRICAL TRANSCRIPTION Get on the air with this star and story selling show on “Stella Dallas.” We’ve whipped a grand radio show together out of the most thrilling, poignant scenes in the picture, tied it together with a ticket¬ selling continuity and put it on the disc for a show that your local radio station will find it impossible to resist. It’s a cinch for local sponsor show or for a sustaining with the leading local radio station. Price, per sixteen-inch record, $2.00. FREE! RADIO DRAMATIZATION SCRIPT And there’s additional radio coverage made possible for you through the free radio dramatization of “Stella Dallas,” for fifteen- minute show. It’s a full show in itself, strong in entertainment appeal, and stronger in box-office punch for you. Offer it to your radio station as a swell possibility for dramatization by their drama group, or to local drama groups for stage presentation. Write for your copies now. They’re free. Order above from: EXPLOITATION DEPT., United Artists Corp. 729 SEVENTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. POSTAL TIE-UP • There’s a strong campaign boost for you in coopera¬ tive exploitation offered by Postal Telegraph on “Stella Dallas.” Postal managers will cooperate on the news poster, assuring you the best window spaces in town on this tie-up. Consult your local manager, then order posters. Prices 10—$3.50; 25—$7.25. Postal messengers will also distribute a special herald to all users of their service. Prices IM—$3.50; 5M— $3.25. Set this with your local manager. Order all material direct from:— # POSTAL TELEGRAPH GUIDE 225 WEST 39th STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. Page Two