A Countess from Hong Kong (Universal Pictures) (1967)

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Ogden 20 60 36 eee Se ee ee ARUGN, BRANDO Natascha. so ke oe Ne oe a 3 8 eA LOREN HOFVGY..9 8 ee Wow ee ee 0 3 SEUNG CHAPLIN Marthe a es 6s Oe eee eee ee LP DRE Pg i a ee as eee ee CARCI Miss Gaulswallow ... . . . MARGARET RUTHERFORD FORO. FELT ie oe we a ee PI CRASL MEOWIN Cl@iciis 6 oe ae a ee oe oo OLLVER ORNS LON production credits The Captain 2.) 66 08 a eae oes DORN PAUL The Society Girl ..... .. . ANGELA SCOULAR Produced by JEROME EPSTEIN; An original screenplay, written and directed by CHARLES CHAPLIN; Director of Photography, ARTHUR IBBETSON, B.S.C.3; Color by TECHNICOLOR; Art Director, BOB CARTWRIGHT; Set Dresser, VERNON DIXON; Production Designer, DON ASHTON; Editor, GORDON HALES ; Sound Recordists, BILL DANIELS, KEN BARKER; Wardrobe Supervisor, ROSEMARY BURROWS; Hairdresser, HELEN PENFOLD; Assistant Director, JACK CAUSEY; Music Composed by CHARLES CHAPLIN; Arranged and Conducted by LAMBERT WILLIAMSON. A UNIVERSAL RELEASE. POSTERS Witon a Sauthacss Cattiaraie «saih Uaivnesal City Stucice * a Beanvo DO “ORGAN “A COUNTESS from HONG. Branvo Sone fA countess. cuantes CHAPIN | Reem (DAE CHAPLN TPP EDR. CL _ GHARIEs CHAPLIN tap gee AGEL UTERO esse SET CHPIN, TPABEDRDL. REX NAHE RUTHERFORD sec MHL ares ONE SHEET SIX SHEET THREE SHEET ren ston en terse HS nt it tt co a Aig Nia a Beano “ren --000000 © 00008 peace npo SDREN---ceoeee ® 2 -ACountess 4 © OBC cae errr yy » aries CHAPLIN > —_SIVEPOHAPLN. TPPHEDREN. PURI CARL MARGARET AUTHERFORD css OO SOeeGece..-:00@8OOOCG@ 22 x 28 DVONEY CHAPLIN. TPPEDREN. ATION CGI MARGARET RUTHERFORD west WINDOW CARD ORDER FREE TEASER TRAILER, REGULAR TRAILER, AD MATS, SCENE MATS, STILLS AND OTHER ACCESSORIES FROM YOUR NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE. COPYRIGHT 196 7—UNIVERSAL PICTURES