Arabesque (Universal Pictures) (1966)

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ULTRA-MOD! |; ULTRA-MAD! |; ULTRA-MYSTERY! A STANLEY DONEN GREGORY | SOPHIA) uci PECK | LOREN | ARABESQUE From the Man who Made‘‘Charade”’ ~S See ae PECK LOREN A STANLEY DONEN pRoouction TECHNICOLOR™ PANAVISION® A Universal Release MAT No. 102 Ad Mat No. 102 1. Col. x 2” —28 Lines 4 ie. 3 ; KX ) When in Southern California visit Universal City Studios TECH N tee LO Re / PANAV!| = | O Ne ); DESESEGeaneuteesscssaaesccosessesrsecesesseasseseasestcececesscesesesseneetaaaneeseecoensceeess with ALAN BADELKIERON MOORE: Screenplay by JULIAN MITCHELL, STANLEY PRICE, PIERRE MARTON E ‘ Hae a sl COTLER Produced and Directed by STANLEY DONEN i : The A UNIVERSAL RELEASE ii real excitement begins when they run out of bullets! MAT No. 301 Ad Mat No. 301—3 Col. x 7%” —300 Lines A NEW NAME FOR DANGER AND DELIGHT! FROM THE MAN WHO MADE “GREGORY SOPHIA ~*~ PECK ctantey ooneNLOREN PRODUCTION TECHNICOLOR’ PANAVISION’ . a it with ALAN BADELKIERON MOORE GREGORY : SOPHIA # Screenplay by JULIAN MITCHELL, STANLEY PRICE, PIERRE MARTON PECK h LOREN i MusicHENRY MANCINI ae oni GORDON COTLER STANLEY OONEN if Produced and Directed by STANLEY DONEN PRODUCTION E iH A UNIVERSAL RELEASE TECHNICOLOR PANAVISION’ | rescessns orecteoy STANLEY DONEN | iat Ne. Sees A Universal Release p77 Oe hs Ad Mat No. 208-A — 2 Col. x 9” — 250 Lines MAT No. 106 Ad Mat No. 106 1 Col. x 7”—100 Lines