Back Street (Universal Pictures) (1961)

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Was it worth all the whispers... the lies...the happiness bought with tears? Told with probing honesty and dramatic truth that you share with every beat of your heart! Ti never givehim a divorce... / worked too hard to get him!” FANNIE HURST’S most compassionate romantic drama! ALSO STARRING VE RA M LE S asuz saxon” * CHARLES DRAKE VIRGINIA GREY REGINALD GARDINER Screenplay by ELEANORE GRIFFIN and WILLIAM LUDWIG * Based on the novel by FANNIE HURST + Directed by DAVID MILLER Produced by ROSS HUNTER * A Universal-International Release THEATRE MAT No. 501 This Ad Available in Two Sizes (As Shown) Ad Mat No. 501—5 Col. x 1 1!/.""—800 Lines Also as 4 Col. x 9!/,""—500 Lines—Ad Mat No. 401 All advertising material in this press book, as well All inquiries on this procedure, which is voluntaras all other newspaper and publicity material, }\ ily subscribed to by the major motion picture has been approved under the MPAA Advertising | companies, may be addressed to: Advertising Code as a self-regulatory procedure of the MoCode Administrator, Motion Picture Association tion Picture Association of America. of America, 28 W. 44th St., New York City 36, NY.