Back Street (Universal Pictures) (1961)

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“DO YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO BE THE Other Woman? To know that every pleasure must be stolen share your love only in secret?” “LL NEVER GIVE HIM A DIVORCE 44. WORKED % TOO HARD TO GET HIM!” RROLLTON eroouction SUSAN ae JOHN GAVIN FANNIE HURST'S ‘Back. Stiwct in EastMAN COLOR! ALSO STARRING VE RA M LE S as “LIZ SAXON” CHARLES DRAKE VIRGINIA GREY REGINALD GARDINER Screenplay by ELEANORE GRIFFIN and WILLIAM LUDWIG Directed by DAVID MILLER Based on the novel by FANNIE HURST « Produced by ROSS HUNTER A Universal-International Release THEATRE MAT No. 207 Ad Mat No. 207—2 Col. x 934"'"—270 Lines FANNIE HURST'S most compassionate romantic drama! a ROSS HUNTERCARROLLTON PRobUCTION SUSAN HAYWARD JOHN GAVIN wasvave VERA MILES CHARLES DRAKE VIRGINIA GREY REGINALD GARDINER A Universal International Release MAT No. 103 Ad Mat No. 103 | Col. x 314""—50 Lines Page 8 within this woman's heart id all the lives | she touched... : comes the most | Searing story of t day! aA ROSS HUNTER-CARROLLTON proouction SUSAN Haran JOHN GAVIN az IN EASTMAN COLOR 338 ALSO STARRING VERA MILES iz aon». CHARLES DRAKE + VIRGINIA GREY » REGINALD GARDINER Screenplay by ELEANORE GRIFFIN and WILLIAM LUDWIG + Based on the novel by FANNIE HURST + Directed by DAVID MILLER Producedby ROSS HUNTER * A UniversalInternational Release THEA ERE MAT No. 303 Ad Mat No. 303—3 Col. x 8!/.""—360 Lines