Captain Newman, M.D. (Universal Pictures) (1963)

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UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS BRILLIANTLY ACROSS THE SCREEN BURSTS A GALAXY OF REMARKABLE eae CHARACTERS! Some hilarious . ...some tragic He _..gsome noble eeses seees aeeee ences ie _..gome even te preposterous. zz = But all of them, aeeee seeee aeeee ee undeniably a unforgettable! seseee eeeses seewer eeeees eeence on These are the men and aeneee aesees seenes seesee EE women whose lives fill He to over-flowing the HE little universe of Ward 7, aie Camp Colfax, U.S.A. eeeceee eeneeee. au To see their story is to forever share their | experiences! | eeecece sescece eveceee eeceese eeeccee eeescee eeseses eseesee Seseeee eeecece seeeece eceecee eeceees eeeeece GREGORY / TONY beceees Vesseee Peck / GURTIS eeesce eeecee eseces eeeeee eeeene eecces eeeses eences ee “CAPTAIN NEWMAN, M.D. Le A STAN COLOR EE CO-STARRING Masse ANGIE DICKINSON = RT JAMES GREGORY BETHEL LESLIE gen rg DICK SARGENT LARRY STORCH He AS CORPORAL ies CO STARRING B JIM TOMPKINS HE Screenplay by RICHARD L. BREEN, PHOEBE and HENRY EPHRON From the novel by LEO ROSTEN = Directed by DAVID MILLER ° Produced by ROBERT ARTHUR A BRENTWOOD-REYNARD PRODUCTION A UNIVERSAL PICTURE THEATRE MAT No. 304 Ad Mat No. 304—3 Col. x 12!/4,"—510 Lines Page 8 ‘GREGORY/ TONY | Peck /CurTIs ‘CAPTAIN | NEWMAN, M.D!» 2: MN EASTMAN COLOR Mmmm #3: CO-STARRING ANGIE DICKINSON AND CO-STARRING BOBBY DARIN AS CORPORAL JIM TOMPKINS A UNIVERSAL PICTURE oO THEATRE i Ad Mat No. 104 | Col. x 7"—100 Lines