Deadlier Than the Male (Universal Pictures) (1967)

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BLONDE ns ote cee eens a saan SS on Seatatcteacntet ata sr seceearasetetete! statatetaha ne a Stee it ener pS coeunel Secs eee RICHARD ELRE SYLVA NIGEL JOHNSON SOMMER: KOSCINA GREEN @ fA EQDLIER «* THAN THE es K TECHNICOLOR’ y) TECHNISCOPE’ SUZANNA LEIGH steve carison Screenplay by From an JIMMY SANGSTERDAVID OSBORN LIZ CHARLES-WILLIAMS origina! story by JIMMY SANGSTER Directed by RALPH THOMAS Produced by BETTY BOX a sypNey BOx.BRUCE NEWBERY PRODUCTION A Universal Release MAT No..305 Ad Mat No. 305 — 3 Col. x 9-3/8” — 393 Lines Also Available As Ad Mat No. 403 -— 4 Col. x 12-1/2"’ — 700 Lines Also Available But Not Shown Ad Mat No. 102 Ad Mat No. 302 — 3 Col. x 9—3/4”’ — 405 Lines 1 Col. x 2-1/8" 29 Lines | ag Wot No. 304 — 3 Col. x 8°” — 336 Lines Ad Mat No. 104 Ad Mat No. 306 — 3 Col. x 6-5/8’ — 279 Lines 1 Col, x 3-5/8’ — 50 Lines Ad Mat No. 106 Ad Mat No. 401 — 4 Col. x 8-7/8’’ — 496 Lines 1 Col. x 5-1/8’’ — 71 Lines Ad Mat No. 402 — 4 Col. x 10-3/4’’ 600 Lines