I'd Rather Be Rich (Universal Pictures) (1964)

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‘Td Rather Be Rich” Role Marks Maurice Chevaliers 35 Years Of Film Stardom (Advance) Maurice Chevalier may now thank heaven for — Sandra Dee. The debonair — and durable — Maurice flew all the way from Paris to Hollywood to portray Sandra’s grandfather. Now in his 76th year, Chevalier has the practiced and rov ing eye of a Paris boulevardier as he continues to thank heaven for little girls—of whom Sandra, the blonde beauty from Bayonne, N.J., is the latest of a long and distinguished line. Sandy plays Chevalier’s cuddly granddaughter in Universal’s Ross Hunter production, “I’d Rather Be Rich,” also starring Robert Goulet and Andy Williams, and directed by Jack Smight. Photographed in color, the romantic comedy <OpenSs.: 7-2 -:-2-.4 = BUENO eee ee Theatre. And here, in chronological order, are some of the other beauteous young ladies who have trouped with Chevalier, during the incredible 35 years since he first came to Hollywood in 1929, to become the top international star he still is: 1929 — ‘Innocents of Paris,” Slyvia Beecher; ‘“‘The Love Parade,” Jeanette MacDonald; 1930 — “Playboy of Paris,” Frances Dee; “Paramount on Parade,” Clara Bow and Lillian Roth; 1931 “The Smiling Lieutenant,” Claudette Colbert; 19382 — “One Hour With You,’ Jeanette MacDonald; ‘Love Me _ Tonight,” Jeanette MacDonald and Myrna Loy; 1933 — “Bedtime Story,” Helen Twelvetrees and Anne Dvorak; 1984 — “‘The Merry Widow,” Jeanette MacDonald; 1937 — “The Beloved Vagabond,” Betty Stockfeld and Margaret Lockwood. There was a hiatus then for 21 years — and then the list began again: 1958 — ‘Love in the Afternoon,” Audrey Hepburn; “Gigi,” Leslie Caron; 1959 “Count Your Blessings,’ Deborah Kerr; 1960 — “Can-Can,” Shirley MacLain and Juliet Prowse; “A Breath of Scandal,” Sophia Loren and Angela Lansbury; 1961 — “Fanny,” Leslie Caron; 1962 — “Black Tights,” Cyd Charisse and Moira Shearer; “Jessica,” Angie Dickinson; “In Search of the Castaways,” Hayley Mills; “Panic Button,’ Elanor Parker and Jayne Mansfield; 1963 — “A New Kind of Love,’ Joanne Woodward; 1964 — “I’d Rather Be Rich,’ Sandra Dee. It will be seen from this that with Sandra Dee as the latest “little girl’ for whom Chevalier thanks heaven, Jeanette MacDonald was the only three-timer; and Leslie Caron, twice. But the list — and Chevalier — are both still young. He was 76 on Sept. 12, 1964, and that leaves time for lot’s more little girls to be thankful for. Jealous over Robert Goulet’s attentions to Sandra Dee, his fiancee, Andy Williams (left) picks a fight in the hilarious romantic comedy in color from Universal, “Vd Rather Be Rich.’’ Trying to break up the melee, and getting the worst of it is Gene Raymond (back to camera). (Stull No. 1938-33) the modern romantic comedy from Universal, “I’d Rather Be Rich.” Photographed in color, it also stars Robert Goulet, Maurice Chevalier, Hermione Gingold, Charlie Ruggles and Gene Raymond. (Still No. 1938-1) © ER BE RICH’ Maurice Chevalier marks his 35 years of film stardom by playing Sandra Dee’s dying and doting grandfather in the new Universal romantic comedy in color, “Id Rather Be Rich.” It is a Ross Hunter production. (Still No. 1938-91) Screen Age Catches Up With Sandra Dee In ''d Rather Be Rich’ (Current) Sandra Dee, who was 22 on April 23, 1964, is glad that her screen age has caught up with her legal age. She plays her real age now for a change in “I’d Rather Be Rich,”’ Universal’s Ross Hunter production in color, also starring Robert Goulet, Andy Williams and Maurice Chevalier. The romantic comedy now is showing at the Sandra may be permitted a sigh of relief for having, at long last (the way it seems to her), attained her screen majority. “T started in movies seven years ago, at the age of 15,” she explains. “It got so they thought of me as 16 for picture after picture, even after I got to be 17, 18, 19, and so on. “There is a time when one can no longer play a girl of 16 — or would want to. “T am trying to grow with me —and this picture makes it possible.” Sandra attributes this recognition of her new majority to producer Hunter and the primary role he has had in guiding her film career. It was Hunter who saw her in New York, and envisioned in her the star she has since become. The new picture is their eighth together. “Tf it weren’t for Mr. Hunter,” Sandra says, “I might not have gone anywhere. Why, I might be lost among the cowboys and Indians.” Jean Louis Selects Modest $1,650,000 In Jewels For Sandra (Advance) Movie fashion designer Jean Louis must be the most conservative jewel shopper in the world, after what he has done for Sandra Dee. With no limitations of price, purse or whatever, Louis rounded up a “modest” $1,600,000 worth of diamonds, emeralds, rubies and other precious gems which Sandra wears with her costly Louisdesigned wardrobe in Universal’s Ross Hunter Production “I’d Rather Be Rich,” also starring Robert Goulet, Andy Williams and Maurice Chevalier. The romantic comedy, photographed in color, CONMLCS 32s eweoeeeeee se LOLtNe 22 The rich assemblage of jewelry — necklaces, earrings, broaches, rings and the like — all come on loan from Cartier’s, the fabulous International gem house. Its protection while Sandra was wearing it involved armed guards, armored cars and insurance for the full amount with Lloyds of London and associated companies. But the pity of it is that designer Louis chose so modestly from the vast treasure available to him in the vaults of Cartier’s. He might just as well have borrowed $10 or $20 million worth — not just the $1,650,000 worth that he did obtain. At present inflationary prices, it is barely a king’s ransom. Page 5 King's Ransom In Real Gems Used In Universal's Frothy Romantic Comedy In Color (Advance) A kings ransom in real jewelry will flash across the screen in color to add tremendously to the production values of Universal’s Ross Hunter production, “I’d Rather Be Rich,”’ COMI os eee ee to.-the on nes dg te ee Theatre. The romantic comedy stars Sandra Dee, Robert Goulet and Andy Williams and co-stars Maur:ce Chevalier, Hermione Gingold, Charlie Ruggles and Gene Raymond. The jewelry, appraiced at more than $1,600,000, was rented for the film, complete with 24-hour guards, from the international gem dealer, Cartier‘s of New York. The collection, which the dimunitive blonde star wears during her romantic triangle with Goulet and Williams, stresses diamonds with some emeralds, rubies and other rare gems thrown in. First to be seen in a nightclub scene where Williams wooes Sandra in song (of the four wellknown singers in the cast, he is the only one to sing in the actual picture), are diamond earrings, a diamond engagement ring, and an evening bag of gold studded with diamonds — the three items inventorying well into six figures. But this is just the start. The celebrated designer, Jean Louis, who created Sandra’s fabulous wardrobe for the picture, selected such additional items as diamond brooches, bracelets, necklaces, rings and earrings from Cartier’s immense stock. Different combinations were planned for each of the more than 17 changes of costume. ; Elaborate precautions were taken to protect the expensive baubles. They were shipped from Manhattan to Hollywood, and when the picture was completed, by air back to Manhattan. Armored cars handled the expensive display cases to the airport and to the studio on each leg of the trip, with only the guards and a single executive at Cartier’s and at Universal knowing the flight or the arrangements. At the studio, armed security men kept them under constant guard on around-the-clock shifts. When not actually being worn, the gems were kept in a guarded vault. As a further protection against loss or delay because of loss, the studio purchased full insurance coverage with Lloyds of London and associated companies. The various organizations involved — Cartier’s, Universal Pictures, the U.S. Post Office, insurance firms, airlines and other carriers — all had a corporate sigh of relief when the gems were safely back in Manhattan. And Sandra Dee had a sigh of another sort — when she had to give them up. FD RATHER BE RICH“ STHER BE RICH” [ : CESS | Hermione Gingold is teamed with Maurice Chevalier again after six years, this time as his nurse in Universal’s romantic comedy in color, ‘‘’'d Rather Be Rich,” produced by Ross Hunter. (Still No. 1938-122) 30 Years Later, Two Stars Together Again (Advance) Veteran film troupers Maurice Chevalier and Charlie Ruggles, each a star in his own right since the advent of sound, are living proof that nothing ever really changes in Hollywood. For the first time their paths have crossed in 33 years, the pair are together now in Universal’s Ross Hunter production, “I’d Rather Be Rich” — Chavalier as the supposedly dying millionaire (and Sandra Dee’s doting grandfather), and Ruggles as the physician who pulls him through. Photographed in color, the modern They remember doing three films together in 1929-31, and Ruggles still has a photo from one of them, “The Smiling Lieutenant,” in which Chevalier is in bed, and Ruggles at the bedside. That time, Chevalier’s ‘ailment’ was love-sickness (for Claudette Colbert), and Ruggles was his sympathetic friend. “Td Rather Be Rich” also costars singers Robert Goulet and Andy Williams. {2-6} Maurice Chevalier proves to his doctor, Charlie Ruggles, and his nurse, Hermione Gingold, that he has made a miraculous recovery from his heart attack in the modern romantic comedy in color, Universal’s “I'd Rather Be Rich.” Other stars are Sandra Dee, Robert Goulet and Andy Williams. (Still No. 1938-9 )