Island of the Blue Dolphins (Universal Pictures) (1964)

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an Ww UNIVERSAL CITY stubios way, W UNIVERSAL :: CITY stupios * A heart-warming true-life adventure bursting with excitement! The inspiring story of a young girl abandoned ona lost island with no weapons but her courage! Native spears battle pirate guns as invaders raid the island! NEWBERY AWARD ~~ WINNER FOR BEST Baez 7] CHILDREN’S Sy) (A BOOK J CELIA KAYE LARRY DOMASIN ANN D oirecteo ev JAMES B. CLARK. eroouceo sy ROBERT B. RA ff " tM hvatl SHOWMANS MANUAL Like Robinson Crusoe she transforms desolation into ise! Fan : \ and the sea as wolf-dogs attack! at iit. 5 ‘ aos Sp , SCREENPLAY BY TEL one RONTU"ooe oF Fanoens” « TED SHERDEMAN ans JANE KLOVE DNITZ A Universal Picture A ROBERT B. RADNITZ Production THEATRE Ad Mat No. 401—4 Col. x 8!/,""—460 Lines A GIRL’s INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE On A Lost ISLAND! A UNIVERSAL PICTURE * A ROBERT B. RADNITZ PRODUCTION MAT No. 203 Ad Mat No. 203—2 Col. x 2!/,""—70 Lines All advertising material in this press book, as well as all other newspaper and publicity material, has been approved under the MPAA Advertising Code as a self-regulatory procedure of the Motion Picture Association of America. BOOS CORES EE TEE E SEES EERE EEEEEEEDESESEESESEESEEOHESEDESESESSEOESHOESOHEEEESESESESESEEEES PROC CREO O CORTE TOO ESETEATESSSHHSOSSSTSSSESSHHHSSSSSHHSHSSSHHSHHHHSSESSTSSEROHEESESEES POCO OES O OOOO TEE E ESE EOOETEEHOOESOSHOHESSESSHESESHSTESHESSSESEOHSTSEESSSHOEESSHSD BOTS C SS SCCET ESSE HCCC HEEESESRHEDAASRABESESESEEHEeaeaseceeaeee ss UNIVERSAL GITY Stupies A # = GIRL’S INCREDIBLE #? ADVENTURE ese ON A : LOST ISLAND! A Universal Picture A Robert B. Radnitz Production eee Beree — ___g eee c ere ccc cress see ee eee eeserescenesseseseesenseseces POP CC EES OE SLOTS SSESESSCEH HORE SETHOHSSSESCSSESEHSSESEEESSESSE BEES EEESEEEEES SPOTS STOO SSECHSSTECO ESET SSOSESSTSHEOHSSTH SS STHSHESSESSSSSESSOESETOOEEEEEES MAT No. 204 Ad Mat No. 204—2 Col. x 334""—100 Lines All inquiries on this procedure, which is voluntarily subscribed to by the major motion picture companies, may be addressed to: Advertising Code Administrator, Motion Picture Association of America, 522 Fifth Ave., New York City 36, N.Y.