Island of the Blue Dolphins (Universal Pictures) (1964)

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SPECIAL COMPOSITE MAT EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR A COMPLETE CAMPAIGN, ALL ON ONE MAT UNIVERSAL *sstesssssesscsscsssseseesescesosseroescnsesces CITY stupios «: [4IKE ROBINSON CRUSOE she lived an incredible adventure on a lost island! A UNIVERSAL PICTURE A ROBERT B. RAONITZ PRODUCTION i | SHH: MAT No. 101 Baal HE i Ad Mat No. 101 | Col. x 1''—14 Lines Native spears battle pirate guns as invaders raid , and the sea as the island! bial, In i wolf-dogs attack! NEWBERY AWARD SRR <7, poral NAS 3 itis WINNER FOR BEST : : PX 2 CHILDREN'S BOOK! |" (f/Accape=Zr TE. at SS CELIA KAYE: LARRY DOMASIN «ANN DANIEL ow “RONTU “0G OF FLANDERS” screenplay by TED SHERDEMAN and JANE KLOVE oirected by JAMES B. CLARK produces by ROBERT B. RADNITZ A Universal Picture A ROBERT B. RADNITZ Production. THEA.TRE MAT No. 302 NEWBERY AWARD WINNER FOR BEST CHILDREN'S BOOK! ~*~ A UNIVERSAL PICTURE > A RADNITZ PRODUCTION MAT No. 202 Ad Mat No. 202-——2 Col. x 2”—56 Lines A UNIVERSAL PICTURE + A ROBERT B. RADNITZ PRODUCTION MAT No. 201 Ad Mat No. 201—2 Col. x |'"—28 Lines Sree MANE IN) Le: sem aeenceee toes INDIVIDUAL MATS PICTURED ABOVE MAY BE ORDERED SINGLY (By number indicated) AT THE REGULAR PRICE! BANNER ACCESSORIES sie arog oe Valance; 3-piece Streamer; 9’ x 12’ Flag or Wall Banner; and Fluorescent Usher’s Badge all are available on “Island of the ates oe ee er from your nearest NATIONAL SCREEN OFFICE. Manufactured by National Flag & Display Company, 43 W. 21st St., New York NY. (Tel. 5-5230). In Canada, National Flag Co. represented by Theatre Poster Service, Ltd., 227 Victoria St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.