Island of the Blue Dolphins (Universal Pictures) (1964)

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Producer Robert B. Radnitz, and Actress Celia Kaye Tell About "Island of the Blue Dolphins” on FREE OPEN END ROBERT B. RADNITZ, who previously has produced ‘‘Misty’’ and “‘A Dog of Flanders,’’ discusses his ideas of making classic stories in such a manner that they prove to be top entertainment for people of all ages. He tells about the Newbery Award Medal won by the Scott O’Dell book and how it has been transferred to the screen in beautiful color. RADIO INTERVIEW CELIA KAYE reflects on the thrill of being selected as the lead in her first feature motion picture — about the location shooting and its rigors, and how her knowledge of swimming helped in the portrayal of the Indian girl deserted on an island off the coast of California. She briefly and interestingly outlines her own background and thespian training. Order "Island of the Blue Dolphins” Radnitz-Kaye Open End Interview Record FREE from RADIO DEPT., UNIVERSAL PICTURES, UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIF. PARENTS’ MAGAZINE SPECIAL MERTE ence ONE SHEET For extraordinary merit, entertainWINNER! ment value and in recognition of _| PARENT'S MAGAZIN the outstanding family appeal of this picture to all types of audiences, Parents' Magazine has given "Island of the Blue Dolphins" a special merit award. A one-sheet announcing the award is available FREE from EXPLOITATION DEPT., UNIVERSAL PICTURES CO., 445 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK 22, Noo¥, USE IT IN THE LOBBY FOR AN ADVANCE, PUT IT ON AN EASEL NEAR THE BOXOFFICE DURING THE RUN, AND DISPLAY IT ON LOCATIONS AWAY FROM THE THEATRE. Song 8 CA » ROBERT B. NT £69 "Inspirational ..for the entire human race...’— Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas’ Statement Keys A Display Of The Numerous Fine Reviews The Picture Will Receive The complete statement from Justice Douglas is as follows: " ‘The Island of the Blue Dolphins’ is inspirational in conception and magnificent in execution—a sad, joyous, exquisitely beautiful story for adults, for children, for the entire human race.'’ You can use this entire statement or the above quote for a 40x60 display of the many fine reviews the picture will receive. Some of these will be found in the following publications—all dates are 1964: "Calling All Girls"—September * “National PTA Magazine"— June * "Summertime" (Junior Scholastic Magazine)—Early Summer * "Girl Scout Magazine"—VJune * "Boy's Life"—June * "Young Catholic Messenger"—June * “Tim"—June ¢ "California Parent-Teacher"—May BLOW UP THESE REVIEWS—AND OTHERS—FOR A LOBBY DISPLAY ‘Island of the Blue Dolphins”’ has a compelling quality that stamps it as its own best advertisement. For this reason, it is recommended that advance screenings be held for a selected group of opinion makers in your area. Be sure to invite Board of Education members; heads of the P. T. A.; directors of youth organizations SPECTAL ADVANCE SCREENINGS Radio Spots —~ FREE! Full of punch with the added quality that makes this motion picture different, these radio spots highlight the honors heaped on the book and the picture, the different story for adults as well as children, and they sell. Waxed in standard lengths up to | minute, time is allowed for playdate information by local announcer. ORDER RADIO SPOT TRANSCRIPTION from RADIO DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSAL STUDIOS, UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIF. 16 MM Television Spots — FREE! The uniqueness of the story, the grandeur of the setting, the importance of the Scott O'Dell book—all these are combined in 60 and 20 second length spots, with silent footage allowed for local playdate information. ORDER YOUR SET OF FREE TV SPOTS from EXPLOITATION DEPT., UNIVERSAL PICTURES CO., 445 PARK AVE., NEW YORK 22, N. Y. COPY FOR HVE RADIO. SPOT ANNOUNCER: One of the most honored literary classics of our times has been brought to the screen as an unusual and exciting motion picture adventure in color... Scott O'Dell's "Island of the Blue Dolphins" is the moving story ac a young girl... played by Celia Kaye... abandoned on a California coastal island ... and how, like Robinson Crusoe, she ingeniously survives...It's a "joyous, exquisitely beautiful story for adults, for children, for the entire human race’ says Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas... "'It is with pride that our endorsement is given to this very fine film which presents with integrity and imagination the story, setting and spirit of Scott O'Dell's novel to which we gave the John Newbery Medal in 1961" says the American Library Association. See Robert B. Radnitz exciting Universal color production of “Island of the Blue Dolphins" ...There's great, stirring adventure in store for you. EV: TELOP OR ShiDe For a short, eye-catching sell use this Telop or Slide. $6.00 with theatre playdate and station identification—$5.00 without. $2.50 for each duplicate copy. Mention whether you want Telop or Slide, and on $6.00 orders include playdate and station information. Order direct from QQ TITLE CARD CO., 247 WEST 46TH ST., NEW YORK 36, N. Y. such as the Boy and Girl Scouts and the YMCA’s; the librarian; book store owners; clergymen of all faiths; heads of the Recreation Department; officers of important women’s clubs—and other groups whose word of mouth will advertise this fine picture. This added effort will pay off in box-office results.