McHales Navy (Universal Pictures) (1964)

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RADIO SPOTS FOR "McHALE’S NAVY” NARRATED BY "COMMANDER" ERNEST BORGNINE HIMSELF! .....And They're FREE! Here is a SUPER-SPECIAL set of pursuasive radio spot announcements for your ‘McHALE’S NAVY" booking . .. and they're available immediately for your use! With the "in person" voice of ERNIE BORGNINE doing the lead-in spiel for his motion picture comedy feature, the radio spots are given a big added sell appeal — and each one sparkles with an audience urge to see the picture. The pursuasive line of Ernest Borgnine chatter will spin a magic spell of intrigue for ticket-sales to the radio listeners all through your territory. The spots are 15, 30 and 60-seconds long — all on one FREE transcription — and in each instance includes enough time for complete locale play date information by your local radio station announcer. Order from the RADIO DEPARTMENT UNIVERSAL STUDIOS Sell "McHale's Navy" To The Television Audience That Has Made The Show So Tremendously Popular In It's Two Happy Years On The Air! UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIFORNIA SUGGESTED COPY FOR LIVE RADIO SPOTS (ONE MINUTE) ANNOUNCER: “Now hear this! Now hear this! ‘McHALE’S NAVY’ is in the movies now! Here comes Ernest Borgnine and his entire crew in their first full-length motion picture! It?s ‘McHALE’S NAVY,’ filmed in color for theatres, and starring Ernest Borgnine, co-starring Joe Flynn and Tim Conway and the zaniest crew of nautical misfits ever to float a PT boat! It’s ‘McHALE’S NAVY,’ rising to new heights of hilarity in their maddest escapades as they kidnap race horses and ram subs! They'll have you rolling in the Isles ... the Pacific Isles .. . when they set sail on their wildest adventure! ‘McHALE’S NAVY, the best-loved comedy show on TV, becomes a fun-packed motion picture especially written and produced for the screen—in vivid color —one long, loud laugh from beginning to they battle the enemy ... their irate captain ...the threat of marriage and a frantic Frenchman! Don’t miss the mischievous misadventures of the wackiest PT Boat crew ever to mis-man a ship! It’s Ernest Borgnine, Joe Flynn, Tim Conway and their nutty nautical mates—with lovelies Claudine Longet and Jean Willes—in ‘“McHALE’S NAVY, their first full-length motion picture... coming soon’ to the... 0608s theatre.” (30 SECONDS) ANNOUNCER: “‘McHALE’S NAVY’ is in the movies now! Ernest Borgnine and his whole zany crew from the popular TV show in their first full-length motion picture—and it’s in color, too! Starring Ernest Borgnine, and co-starring Joe Flynn and Tim Conway and the entire group of nautical misfits, it’s ‘McHALE’S NAVY, rising to new heights of hilarity in their maddest escapades! There never was a commander like Ernie Borgnine as McHale...a frustrated captain like Joe Flynn ...a bumbling scatter-brained ensign like Tim Conway ...or an outfit as kookie as McHale’s entire crew! Don’t miss ‘McHALE’S NAVY’ on the motion picture screen! See it now... Meier eno ede Theatre!” (15 SECONDS) ANNOUNCER: “‘McHALE’S NAVY? is in the movies now! Ernest Borgnine, and Joe Flynn and Tim Conway—with the whole zany crew of television’s great comedy show—are now on the motion picture screen in their first full-length feature! See ‘McHALE’S NAVY’ —in color, too—coming.............. to the screen of the.............. Theatre!” FREE SET OF TV SPOTS TO ADVERTISE THEIR FIRST FULL-LENGTH MOTION PICTURE IN COLOR! The comedy hit of the television world for the past two years, 'McHALE'S NAVY" — WITH ITS TWO YEARS OF EXPOSURE TO THE VAST TV AUDIENCE — is a perfect show to pitch right at the set-side viewers for a want-to-see reaction to the TV spots on the full-length motion picture pre sentation of '"McHALE'S NAVY." The spirit of the uproarious escapades involving Ernest Borgnine, Joe Flynn and Tim Conway and the zany crew are eye-catching delight in this especially appealing packaging of television sales promos — now available FREE to all exhibitors. The smart-sell grouping of visual-vocal sales pitches is made up of 60 and 2-second spots, all on 6mm film, and this time element includes enough silent footage at the end to allow for all local play-date information to be given by your station announcer. Schedule the TV Spots in your advertising campaign — and order them in as soon as your date is set. Order the set — NOW — from HERMAN KASS, NATIONAL EXPLOITATION DIRECTOR, UNIVERSAL PICTURES CO., 445 Park Avenue, New York 22, N.Y. (When order ing, please specify the station or stations on which you plan to use the spots). Page 10