The Appaloosa (Universal Pictures) (1966)

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eB es es rn og en : POSTERS THEATRE IMPRINT poe Say oe oe ie . EMILID FERNANDEZ Fane givens Gacenkeenty oa peeonsie poner ap tear oe WINDOW CARD 14x 36 ONE SHEET vine SIX SHEET (gee 99 4 28 THREE SHEET Order trailer, ad and scene mats, color stills and other accessories from your local National Screen Service Exchange. SPECIAL COMPOSITE MAT BASIC NEEDS FOR A CAMPAIGN, ALL ON ONE MAT TECHNICOLOR® From SYDNEY FURIE, Director of “The lpcress File” Screenplay by EMILIO FERNANDEZ: FRANK SILVERA "JAMES BRIDGES and ROLAND KIBBEE Based on the novel by Directed by duced ROBERT MacLEOD SIDNEY J. FURIE + ALAN MILLER A Universal Picture Ad Mat No. 204—2 Col. x 6” — 170 Lines Southwest to Sonora MARLON lies the edge of violence! BREN ANJANETTE “THE . APPALOOSA ees TECHNICOLOR® A Universal Picture Ad Mat No. 202 — 2 Col. x 2” — 56 Lines MARLON ANJANETTE JOHN BRANDO COMER SAXON THE | NN > NY APPALOOSA ES ureeiiscolan ‘ceaRERCTIRRIRE, i Untvecsal Picture Ad Mat No. 201 — 2 Col. x 1” — 28 Lines THOUGHTFUL — Lovely Anjanette Comer is deep in thoughts of her own as she is pictured in this scene from Universal’s “The Appaloosa” in Technicolor starring Marlon Brando and co-starring Miss Comer, John Saxon and Emilio Fernandez with Frank Silvera. The outdoor adventure drama was directed by Sidney J. Furie and produced by Alan Miller. (Still No. 1977-16) VIOLENT ADVENTURE BEGINS SOUTHWEST TO SONORA! MARLON BRANDO ANJANETTE COMER JOHN SAXON THE APPALOOSA TECHNICOLOR® A Universal Picture Ad Mat No. 104 1 Col. x 5” —70 Lines PENSIVE — Marlon Brando carefully studies his adversaries led by John Saxon in Universal’s Technicolor outdoor drama “The Appaloosa,’”’ which also co-stars Anjanette Comer. (Still No. 1977-10) AbveNTURE BEGINS SOUTHWEST TO SONORA! THE APPALoosSA TECHNICOLOR® A Universal Picture Ad Mat No. 103 1 Col. x 3%” — 50 Lines JOHN SAXON THE APPALOOSA TECHNICOLOR A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Ad Mat No. 101 1 Col. x 1” — 14 Lines SPECIAL MAT NO.2 ORDER BY TITLE AND NUMBER FROM NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE INDIVIDUAL MATS PICTURED ABOVE MAY BE ORDERED SINGLY (By number indicated) AT THE REGULAR PRICE! RIN TE e IN fe) Us, BR