The Art of Love (Universal Pictures) (1965)

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Two CAREFREE AMERICANS TURN PARIS ON ITS Ear! James . Dick GaRNER. : Van Dyke EIKE ANGIE SoMmeR’: DickiNson, A ROSS HUNTER, PRODUCLION SS Sere setae wn “ = EtHeL MERMAN =" e@veenmeeeeeneeeeeeneeeeeese ee A UNIVERSAL-ROSS HUNTER-CHEROKEE PICTURE MAT NO. 102 ALSO STARRING Ad Mat. No. 102 | Col. x 234,""—35 Lines N “James Garner, ~ Dick Van DyKe ELKe SOMMER, pa ANgie DiCKINSON “a ate a FTHeL MeRMaN CARL REINER PIERRE OLAF MIIKO TAKA : & oO = Hie (* Xi aN i “A 2 IMMONS and WILLIAM SACKHEM * Directed by NORMAN JEWISON Produced by ROSS HUNTER Based on a story by Screenplay by CARL REINER « ricuaro aan s A UNIVERSALROSS HUNTERCHEROKEE PICTURE THEATRE MAT No. 304 Ad Mat No. 304—3 Col. x 12!/,""—510 Lines Also Starring 4 8 ETHEL CRIMQNN ‘wet acces Pree ou MIKO TAKA creenpla Based upon a story Directe CARL REINER / RICHARD ALAN SIMMONS and WILLIAM SACKHEIM /NORMAN JEWISON read by ROSS HUNTER / A UNIVERSAL-ROSS HUNTER-CHEROKEE PICTURE THEATRE AD MAT NO. 209 Ad Mat No. 209—2 Col. x 8!/,"'"—230 Lines Page 6