The Chalk Garden (Universal Pictures) (1964)

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ROSS HUNTER’S PRODUCTION OF SAL RELEASE MAT No. 201 -56 Lines “4X W UNIVERSAL CITY studios ees. eee: seca: eeee: eee: eeee: seen eecer eeeece eeece sees eeeee eeeee eeeee ecoce eeove eeees cece eecce eeece eecces eeece seece seece seece e eecce sees seece aeece eocce seece seoece eevee eeece eeece eecce Page 7 The watcher and the watched. each with secrets and secret longings each one suspicious of affection yet starved for love! in ROSS HUNTER’S proouction OF THE ACCLAIMED BROADWAY AND LONDON STAGE SUCCESS Pos CO-STARRING EDITH EVANS « FELIX AYLMER + ELIZABETH SELLARS by Screen play by JOHN MICHAEL HAYES + Directed by RONALD NEAME » Produced by ROSS HUNTER $333: A QUOTA RENTALS LTD. PICTURE : A UNIVERSAL RELEASE inte THEATRE ie MAT No. 304 Ad Mat No. 304—3 Col. x 10!/,""—435 Lines :