The Mark of the Hawk (Universal Pictures) (1957)

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PARENTS MAGATINE AWARD Full advantage should be taken of the Parents’ Magazine Award to "MARK OF THE HAWK" as The Movie of the Month for family audiences. Prominently display the FREE |-SHEET (shown here at left) in advance of your showing. Use the award to secure extra cooperation from PTA, Boy and Girl Scouts and similar type organizations. Order FREE from EXPLOITATION DEPT., Universal Pictures Company, Inc., 445 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. THEATRE FRONT AND LOBBY Use the African motif as shown here for effective interest. You may wish to go beyond this and dress your doorman and ushers as big game hunters. Usherettes and cashier could simulate the African look by wearing long earrings with beads and bracelets. Most important would be to utilize your loudspeaker system to play the song === "This Man Is Mine" interspersed with punchy catchlines and jungle sound effects from the film. PARENTS MAGAZINE SPECIAL MERIT AW ARK ‘DD oe SUDNEY. _— JUAND HERNAND patty HEOUBEL, RIDLEY somes gH, KE conn ee vs MARK $i HAWK Pie TECHNICOLOR * § SUPERSCOPE -SIDNEY POITIER JUANG HERNANDETJOHN MCINTIRE and s EARTHA KITT 3 A Universal-International Release MAT No. 202 Ad Mat No. 202—2 Col. x 2''—56 Lines Lloyd Young & Associates Present _ ASI ceelnagas esi a ae + TECHNICOLOR, ACTUALLY FILMED IN : THE HEART OF THE MAT No. 201 A Universal-International Bolaise Ad Mat No. 201—2 Col. x |''—28 Lines Page 4 AFRICAN INFLUENCE Tie-up with your department store on merchandise simulating the African motif, such as masks, spears, ivory, jewelry and pottery. Clothing and accessories made from the skins of leopards, alligators, zebras, and other wild animals would make this unusual and interesting. LOCAL PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST Arrange with your local camera club or biggest photographic store to sponsor a contest whereby contestants would submit their best photograph taken at the local zoo with, of course, one of the animals in the background. The best entries could be displayed with proper credits in the window of the camera store and in your lobby for advance interest. Prizes to the winners would insure participation and the winning photo could be a possible plant in your local newspaper. MAN HUNT Use a version of the ''Raffles'' stunt to attract attention to "MARK OF THE HAWK." Try to arrange this with the Circulation Department of your local newspaper, whereby the reader finding the man with the Mark of the Hawk would be carrying the newspaper at the time of discovery. The "man" could be dressed as a missionary, big game hunter, or have "The Mark of the Hawk" imprinted on his forehead or on the back of his hand. Special FLAG and BANNER ACCESSORIES Order direct from NATIONAL FLAG CO., 43 WEST 2Ist St., New York 10, N. Y. In Canada from THEATRE POSTER SERVICE, 250 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont. acawstVOQDOO FURY... oe THE FLAME of FAITH , Lloyd Young & Asseciates Present SIDNEY" POITIER UANO. HERNANDEZ -JOHN McINTIRE Directed by MICHAEL AUDLEY Screenplay by and H. KENN CARMICHAEL Produced by LLOYD YOUNG A Universal-International Release MAT No. 205 Ad Mat No. 205—2 Col. x 5!/,"'"—150 Lines