The Mark of the Hawk (Universal Pictures) (1957)

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me Arrica land of violent contrasts, where Faith challenges Witchcraft and the courage of a valiant few faces a fanatic’s hordes ! ale See NALA LS SOD LI. Directed by MICHAEL AUDLEY Screenplay by H. KENN CARMICHAEL Produced by LLOYD YOUNG A Universal-International Release Tse AlT.R-E wo ne ne men nll tt ital tb tsbsdetDNEAKELEEPAPRRPEEERR ESLER AEDS A SAAS SAPSAS LAS ALLL REPEAL TEE REE SAA PRA SSLTAL. SOOO | see MAT No 402 Ad Mat No. 402—4 Col. x 9''—500 Lines AGAINST AFRICAS VQODOO TERROR... Farthy Lloyd Young & Associates Present yt! starring ER TECHNICOLOR, EY POITIER | cat HERNANDEZ JOHN McINTIRE [EARTHA KiTT| ele A Universal-International Release EJ FH ex ie A Py ef vas MAT No. 203 Ad Mat No. 203—2 Col. x 234,"'—80 Lines Aeetenesesens POLSKI Le SILOS "MAT No. 204 Ad Mat No. 204—2 Col. x 334''"—100 Lines Page 5