20,000 Years in Sing Sing (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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ADVERTISING SECTION Here Is Another Road Show Campaign With Potent Ads in Every Size to Give You Another B. O. Champion ‘Nahe Our Word for lt WE HAVE NEVER OFFERED MORE REAL ENTERTAINMENT IN ONE MOTION PICTURE! For the first time since the Strand Theatre opened its doors to the public, the management feels privileged to make such a statement as the above. We have just seen what we are convinced is a great picture, and we have weighed its merits against those of the other great pictures we have shown in the past. This is our verdict — fet eke *¢ ofece e < . ae, e —. « ° e e e 0 y 'e ; } oe i et q e 6@ . ene 6 ee is the greatest SINGLE entertainment the Strand Theatre has ever offered! Not fiction but fact! Not a “prison story,” but — the first and only picture ever written by a prison warden! — astounding inside revelations by world-famous Warden Lawes of Sing Sing—forming a blazing background for the heart-gripping story of one man and one girl —a girl who didn’t seem to have the courage to wait for the love the Law had taken from her. It is distinctly one story —but every episode is a blazing highlight from the endless drama that parades before the “Mayor” of crime’s capital city! EA There is romance and pathos that will go straight to the heart of women...strong, rugged drama men will love... laughs and action for the children. ‘£20,000 Years in Sing Sing’’ is a picture which has everything —a picture which is meant for everyone. OO°9 OO S550 2°. OO oP etere OO © OO oretete BOO Q 4 ©. 0 ¢ ¢ onesee ee etee ° ° © o 00°09 OO OO ° ‘ore 252 OO ° oreee, o O ° OO 2525 Take our word for it—“the greatest single entertainment the Strand Theatre has ever offered!” A First National Picture by WARDEN LAWES of Sing Sing... with SPENCER TRACY, BETTE DAVIS, ... Hundreds of Others = : : Coming Friday STRAND This ad can easily be adapted to the first person singular by slightly altering the copy and adding a facsimile signature cut of the manager. In using the above ad be sure to substitute the name of your theatre for the Strand Cut. No. 44 Cut 60c Mat I5c 465 LINES