20,000 Years in Sing Sing (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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What happens to desperate men when love is locked out of their lives? What becomes of the love-starved women who wait — and the women who can’t wait? Now at ‘last you can get the answersto daring questions you must have asked yourself — from the one man who could tell you—in 20,000 YEARS IN SING SING By WaRDEN Lewis E. Lawes First National’s greatest romance with SPENCER TRACY, (7 Every Cell Is Ravan Bewan | fag Filed with “WOMEN” TAKE a thousand years of thwarted longing for love— Cut No. 24 Cut 60c Mat 15c 333 LINES Ny ADD a thousand years of angry i Bh passions — Mi MULTIPLY them by years of flaming hate—and you have iy) ‘20,000 x Soke Bere Cut No. 28 Cut 40c Mat 10c 282 LINES hy SING SING \ f, You'll say it’s the biggest thing that’s happened to you in a long, long time! e Actually written by the Warden of Sing Sing— LEWIS E. LAWES First National’s latest hit— with thousands of players including SPENCER TRACY BETTE DAVIS e COMING-STRAND| Cut No. 35 Cut 60c Mat 15c 174 LINES 7-A