3 Cheers for the Irish (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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A fairer colleen you've never seen... than smilin’, beguilin’, bewitchin’ Maureen! ba a, “ge — Zz L> Her ould man’s troubles are his feet... the biggest and flattest “<\ AZ) on any cop’s beat! Y /°¢ Dugun yp wir starring PRISCILLA ,.LANE. THOMAS ..MITCHELL fe S< > fam “DENNIS .MORGAN <== ALAN ,.HALE : she’s kissed more often The might 0’ Pat’s fist than the blarney stone! om would crush a rock... =(\7~ but the look o’ his face Sma ee Would stop a clock! Gy = Poor Mike is in a terrible fix... he’ll be sorry no matter which girl he picks! VIRGINIA GREY IRENE HERVEY + WILLIAM LUNDIGAN Directed by Lloyd Bacon» A WARNER BROS..-First Nat'l Picture * Original Screen Play by Richard Macaulay and Jerry Wald Mat 402—141%4 inches x 4 columns (800 lines) —60c (SAME AD IN 3 COLUMNS—ON PAGE 5) [3]