3 on a Match (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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BIOGRAPHICAL FEATURES HUA TT ‘live in Hollywood.’? Plant these biographies individuall y or as a daily series. Blow them up for an unusual front display that’s a sure attention-getter. And don’t fail to take advantage of the M fire newspaper stuff! ‘ccc JOAN BLONDELL—A SILHOUETTE Joan Blondell is her real name City in 1909 ... Father and mother were old stage troupers.. property trunk was her first cradle . .. . She was born in New York oe. . . At the age of four months She was carried on the stage of the Globe Theatre ag the daughter of Peggy Astaire in ‘‘The Greatest Love.’? Has been on the stage durin g the twenty odd years of her in teresting life... Has played repertory all over the globe: tank towns in China, split weeks in Australia, one-night stands in Germany... ville... Has been a circus hand, a clerk store for the shortest period anyone ever held a job—fifteen minutes, and now is one of the most promising stars in the movies. Joan was educated while on tour in vaudeville and in New York ee In New York she attended the Col lege of Industrial Arts boat with a theatrical troupe.” = Amazing publicity stories come out = of Hollywood about its people. Some = of them apologize for their brash= ness, others for their brazenness . . 5 = Because of this, one hesitates to pre= sent the fact that Joan is a direct = descendant of a merry minstrel dub= bed David Blondell . . . One of the = original troubadors that Richard the = Lion-Hearted took with him on crus= ades to sing entertaining ballads, = roundelays, hey-nonny-ohs, and the = ‘*Frankie and J ohnny’’ of the period. = Returning to the present century, = La Blondel] eventually returned to = New York... Seceured a prominent = role in the stage play, ‘‘The Trial of = Mary Dugan.’’ . . . Then a more im= Portant role on Broadway in ‘‘ Mag gie the Magnificent.’ . , Se SOs tee.8rigine easiest == 7 yung, autour “Hamed James Cagney. Her motion picture opportunity came when Warner Bros. bought ‘*Penny Arcade’’ for the sereen . . Joan and Jimmy were signed to go to Hollywood to play their original stage roles . . . That was the beginning for both of them. Joan appeared in fourteen pictures during her first year in Hollywood ... Prefers the screen to the stage, declaring, ‘‘ More money in the movies. Not that money is everything —no, indeedy!’’ . . . Wants to make enough money so she can retire and travel around the world in style... In reply to the question ‘‘If you left stage or screen, what sort of position would you seek,’’ she replies, ‘‘T’d love to be secretary for Al Capone.’’ . . » She says she would also like to be a sergeant of marines aboard a battleship, Present ambition is to be a celluloid combination of Ruth Chatterton and Helen Hayes . the sereen are Ruth Chatterton, John Barrymore, George Arliss, Richard Barthelmess, James Cagney and George Brent; of the stage, Helen Hayes and Leslie Howard... Favorite playwright is George Kelly—author of ‘‘Maggie the Magnificent,’ a play she would like to do on the screen .. . Her favorite composer is George Gershwin . . . She loves good music . enjoys playing the piano . . With two fingers—one on each hand. Is superstitious . .. For some reason, will not start a picture on a Tuesday . . . Between pictures, takes a brief vacation at Wheeler’s Hot Springs, Calif. . . . Reads all her fan mail... Answers it personally when she has time. Prefers to live in Hollywood because it is near her work ... ‘‘Otherwise,’’ she says, ‘‘I: would prefer to . . Never goes to Hollywood parties but likes to dance at the Ambassador ... Never attends gala openings, preferring to mingle with crowds and watch the stars come in... Declares New York is the best place to buy smart clothes . . . Knows ‘‘lots of special shops.’’ . . Wears lounging pajamas most of the time when not working ... When resting at the studios you will see her in a pair of white duck trous-_ ers and a sweat shirt. She does nothing in particular to . . . She was prominent on the swimming team... Wanted to get school all washed up in a hurry so she could go back to work ... Threw caution to the winds and shipped to Australia on a cattle . Then a still more important role in “*Penny Areade,’’ in which she played op . . Favorites of ° 2 = She has crossed this continent fifty-six times while playing in vaude in a New York department JOAN BLONDELL As seen by the well-known caricaturist, Winfield Meggs. Cut No.8 Outi5e Mat Se keep fit . . : Well—she skips rope... Likes to take long walks . champion swimmer ing lessons all of the time . . good tennis player Rese eel ert: ... Takes dane. Isa . . . Not interes ted in golf . .. Likes to jump into her Ford roadster and loaf her way around California when she has the opportunity. She likes to watch football games .. Is erazy about prize fights . Goes to the fights once a week z She likes to watch a fast tennis champions. . If she has any diet it is skimmed milk and baked potatoes ... For three days . . Has two favorite dishes when she wants to go on a gastronomic spree ... One is chop suey .. . The other is hamburger steak—and the hamburger simply must have salted almonds chopped up in it. Doesn’t bother much with beauty formulas . . . Washes her teeth with peroxide and water once a week, and uses the Amos ‘n’ Andy brand of tooth paste . . . Washes her hair in kerosene . . . Shampoos and dresses it herself . . . Hates to comb her hair ... Is forever taking a ‘‘shower.’’ .. . Always sunburned ... Believes in plenty of sleep . . . She sleeps on her stomach. Like to read . . . Her favorite novel is ‘‘If I Were King’’ by Justin Huntley MeCarthy Likes John V. A. Weaver poems, the prose of Bernard Shaw and Ernest Hemingway. Her only pet is a Boston bull named ‘*Abadaba.’’ . .. Would like to have a tame lion for a pet ... Drives the same Ford she bought when she first arrived in Hollywood . .. Has never been in an aeroplane .... Would like to own a nice sleek yacht some day. Dislikes beets, diets, bridge, getting sand in her fingernails at the beach, gentlemanly mashers, and ritzy people . . . Doesn’t like to wear a hat . . . Doesn’t care a whoop for jewelry .. . Afraid of spiders . . All bugs, in fact . . . Doesn’t like to answer the telephone. She loves soda pop and cider... Adores her kid sister . . . Likes the radio ... Is generous to a fault... One of the most popular stars in Hollywood ... Studio earpenters and stage hands call her ‘‘Blondell.’’ Five feet four inches tall, weighs 115 pounds, has grey eyes and blonde hair. Ts under contract to Warner Bros. Pictures Ine. Her record productions mcludes= 2 Sotiiert,? 23 Mey oPast. 2 ‘‘The Public Enemy,’’ ‘‘Blonde Grazy,22—.* “Union: Depot2: —““The Crowd Roars,’’ ‘‘The Famous Ferguson Case,’’ ‘‘Miss Pinkerton,’’ “*Big City Blues?’ and ‘‘Three On A Match.’’ . .. Appears with Warren William, Bette Davis and Ann Dvorak in the latter . . . which comes to<the-2 es Theatre next ............. ME El TH A TT Page Twenty-two eggs caricatures—they’re sure “ccc = cc = Warren William was born. Warren William Krech in Atkin, = Minn., in 1896... Educated in the public schools and by private = tutors... Specialized in football and basket ball . . . Disliked mathe = matics. = His father sprang from German parentage and his mother from = English ... His grandfather left Germany because he was unsym = pathetic to the German military regime . . . Settled in St. Paul, Minn., = where he opened a school of languages. = Earliest ambition was to be a sea = captain... Still has this ambition = and loves the sea and ships .. = a small schooner... . Hopes to sail = it to the South Seas... During school = days he wanted to be an architect, = an engineer, or a builder of bridges. = Decided to become an actor when = he came to New York on a visit and = saw the plays and the Great White = Way... Later he returned to New = York... Enrolled in the American = Academy of Dramatic Art ... That = was the beginning. = His first play was ‘‘Mrs. Jimmie = Thompson’? ,. . Played the role of = a pickle salesman... Shortly after, = scored again in ‘¢Expression Willie’? = .... Soon became one of Broadway’s = most popular leading men... About WARREN Ww oLtAM = this time he made his celluloid debut Caricatured by Winfield Meggs, famous = in a serial, playing hero to Pearl _ Hollywood portrait artist. = White... Favorite stage role was in CU Nee: Cui tte. Mate = ‘‘Twelve Miles Out.’? = Believes he prefers the stage to the = screen but qualifies his nintncak deeee ue eS Declare: er = claring he has not been in pictures SeieSeae handicap for e-man in his = long enough to be sure. . . Is enprofession. = chanted with California, likes the outIs becoming greatly interested in = door life, the sea and mountains . . . polities . . . Is a great admirer of = Believes all pictures should be reAl Smith. = _hearsed for at least two weeks before Dislikes interviews and crowds .. . = shooting starts .. . (His views coinDoes not like to play cards . .. Is = cide with studio executives, for this not interested in indoor sports . . % = method is now in force at the WarnerDislikes seeing an ‘‘s’’ on the end = First National Studios) . . . Doesn’t of his last name. = know what he would do if he left During early days in New York = stage or screen. he was often mistaken for Carpen = Favorite screen role to date is in tier, the French prize-fighter .. . Now = ‘‘The Mouthpiece,’’ which preceded his appearance is often compared to = his latest, ‘‘Three On A Match,’? John Barrymore’s ... While William = which comes to the ................ disagrees, this comparison does not —= ~~ SS en ee ae a leading ladies. Stanwyck, Chatterton. James Barrie, Philip Barry Dislikes jazz bands intensely. ors but has no preferences. Enjoys travel . bly in Italy or Southern France. literature ... and dogs. . Drives a Packard. SUTIN UV UATUUTUEUAAVUULUTEUTSUAVASATAUTE e ADVANCE SHORTS Stylist Picks Ann Dvorak To Introduce New Style Orry-Kelly, briliant Warner Bros.First National studio stylist, has picked Ann Dvorak, fascinating new screen sensation, to introduce a new style to the feminine part of the American public, through the medium of the screen. The fashion fad, originated by Kelly, is a new type of belt, from three to five inches wide, raised to a pointed V in front in keeping with the demand for the elevated waistline, and fashioned entirely of twinkling brilliants, rhinestones and mirrors. Miss Dvorak wears it first in her latest Warner Bros.-First National picture, ‘‘Three On A Match,’’ which comes soon to the .................. Theatre, using a flag blue negligee of metal cloth woven with matching out beads, on which to set it off. This is in accordance with the one rule for wear Has no pet. ‘ gances, but is economical and extravagant in fits and starts. Does nothing in particular to keep Bette Davis and Ann Dvorak as his Favorite -screen actors are Barbara Edward G. Robinson, xs NOY CXtTAven cc Bs, i a Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Ruth Favorite playwrights are Ibsen, Sir ; Ferenc Molnar and . . . Likes good musie and favors Wagner and Puecini.. . Is interested in all the arts ... Next to drama he names literature . . Favorite authors are Dickens and Conrad ... Likes most modern auth . Is happy anywhere if it is near the sea—prefera Wears clothes well . . . prefers to buy them in London or in New York. Has no particular hobbies outside of ships, sea, the theatre and good Owns several horses . Enjoys motoring. . Has been happily married for a physically fit ... Plays a lot of tennis . . . Considers it wonderful exercise... Next to tennis, prefers yachting ... Likes to watch prize fights and football games... . Has never seen a baseball game. He likes a well-balanced. diet... Always takes juice of two lemons in a-glass of warm water upon arising . .. Eats sparingly in the middle of the day . . . His favorite dishes: a thick juicy steak, mashed potatoes, and old-fashioned strawberry shortcake ... Declares he has never puttered around a_ stove and knows nothing about cooking. He is six feet tall, weighs 165 pounds, has blue eyes and brown hair. He is under contract to Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc... . His latest hits include: ‘‘The Mouthpiece,’’ ‘‘The Dark Horse,’’ ‘‘Three On A Match, ’’ SOTO TULL LULU UL eM ing the belt, according to Orry-Kelly, who says that the garment with which it is worn must be simple in type, and of a plain, rather dark color, for contrast. Joan Blondell and Bette Davis, with other important roles in ‘‘Three On A Match,’’ also will appear in many of Orry-Kelly’s creations, while Warren William, Lyle Talbot, Sheila Terry, Hale Hamilton and Grant Mitchell complete the cast. Mervyn LeRoy directed. 6 Leading Roles in 5 Months for Ann Dvorak Ann Dvorak, First National player, claims the record for making more pictures in a short period of time than any other player in Hollywood. She has played feminine leads in six pictures in five montns. The pictures are ‘The Crowd Roars,’? ‘*The Strange Love of Molly Louvain,’’ ‘Love Is A Racket,’’ ‘‘Stranger In Town,’’ ‘‘Crooner’? and ‘‘Three On A. Match,’’ which opens next................ at thes kn Theatre. Joan Blondell and Bette Davis have the other important roles with Ann in this production.