3 Sons Oguns (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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A W Wayne MORRE BROS. HIT with Irene RICH T S Marjorie RAMB om BROWN William ' Ba liam T. Orr Directed b y BE N STOLOFF e Original Screen PI en Play by Fred Niblo, Jr ros.atio: al Pictu ‘e A Warner B ‘Os. First N tion: re THE DRAFT HAD THEM Darr T She likes soldiers= ina af Ss: HIT with A WARNER BRO! wAYNE MORRIS OH N res i MARIORIE IRENE BE . BR RAM AU RIC Directed by BEN STOLOFF Play by Fre Original Screen e A Warner Bros.First ‘Natio! d Niblo, Jr. nal Picture A WARNER BROS. HIT with OWN .Wm.T. ORR Wayne MORRIS. Marjorie RAMBEAU: Irene RICH.Tom BR Directed by BEN STOLOFF Oniginal Screen Play WU Ifaey Fees Niblo, Je. © A Wernet BrosFirst National Picture Wa) Mat 10 53/4 ‘nches (79 lines) —15¢ 2 columns (180 lines) —30¢ Forward March wr oo UB For More A os. HIT with WAYNE MORRIS . MARJORIE RAMBEAU IRENE RICH * TOM BROWN WILL LOFF ° Original Screen Play by Fred Niblo, Jr-* A Warner Bros.-First National Picture Directed by BEN STO 3—2'% inches X 2 columms (70 \ines) —230¢ Ad id vertising © o @