42nd Street (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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EXHIBITOR’S NOTE: The complete six chapter newspaper serialization of “42nd Street,” together with seene euts taken from the picture is in mat form and is available for the nominal charge of $1.00 for the entire story. Order direct from the Merchandising Plan Editor, Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., 321 West 44th Street, New York. In planting this story we suggest that you so arrange the release date as to give your show a three-day advance publicity break. Editor, Merchandising Plan Starting Tomorrow Read Sensational ‘A2nd STREET Serialization of Back Stage Best Seller Made into an enthralling screen-spectacle of youth, beauty, love, song and the dance—by Warner Bros. who present it at the Strand Theatre .................... next! Six thrilling installments of the Bradford Ropes novel, beginning tomorrow! Youw’ii be compietety absorbed — by the love story of a little girl who dances though she sees the others through tears—the half-erazed director who disobeys his doctor because the show must go on—the girl who waits for a break for ten years ~ and when it comes steps aside for the good of the show! Begin tomorrow to read ‘A2nd STREET Exclusively in the Courier-News Starting Tomorrow! { ARP AEIR AIL TUR ARS ANN AIMED IS I Fe SUNIL A LIT DNASE AAT SACI RNR NANT | FRONT PAGE ADS = (Advance) (Starting Day) Turn to Page START READING Starting tomorrow ‘42nd STREET’ All the Glamor and Heart aches of Back Stage Life Based on Warner Bros.’ Sensational Screen Spectacle of Beauty, Youth, Love, Song and Dancing Feet... opening at the Strand Thea Six thrilling chapters adapted from Bradford Ropes’ best-selling novel of back stage life. Don’t miss the First Chapter! Page Ten ‘42nd STREET’ Most sensational back stage story ever written! Based on the gorgeous screen spectacle of the show-world which Warner Bros. presents at the Strand Theatre = next. thrilling installments! Starting tomorrow EXCLUSIVELY IN THE NEWS STARTING TODAY “42nd STREET” The Life, Loves and Lures of Back Stage Drama! Made into a gorgeous screen spectacle of beauty, youth, love, laughter, melody, song and dancing feet—and presented by Warner Bros. at the Strand Thestte. 2 next, under the title of "A2nd STREET” Learn the intimate secrets of the private lives of glamorous people of the theatre! Read about the slave driving director who risks his life to make, the show a hit.... the ,girl who passes up the ‘big break’ she has waited 10 years for, in order to save the show .. . . the little country girl who dances her way ‘through perils and pitfalls to the stardom. “"A2nd STREET’ Six exciting installments ... . . adapted from the novel of the same name by Bradford Ropes... . who knows his 42nd Street as no other man does. EXCLUSIVE IN THE NEWS Turn to Page........ ay Suggested Newspaper Ads with Which to Announce the Serialization of the Picture. Give these to the Editor of Your Local Paper. Watch for “"A2nd STREET” A glamorous story of a glamorous life bought at a terrible price, so that the world may be entertained Takes you behind the scenes and shows you life in the raw back stage, as a Broadway musical production gets under way. “A2nd STREET Based upon the sensational Warner Bros. musical picture of the same name which comes to the : ‘with a mighty cast of 14 stars and 150 of the World’s most Gorgeous dancing and singing girls. Read the graphic movie serialization of Bradford Ropes’ best selling novel of back stage life, “42nd Street.’ Six absorbing chapters. Exelusively in the NEWS starting TOMORROW