A Night at the Ritz(Warner Bros.) (1935)

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THE GRAND HOTEL OF LAUGHS! pa A niGait ADVERTISING SORRY, WE HAVE NO BEDS... YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO ROLL IN THE AISLES —as you go into convulIN sions of laughter at Warner Sy RAISING THE ROOF of the world’s swankiest hotel to bring you all the hilarious fun of ‘~\ Bros.’ howling success — 7 ae with WILLIAM GARGAN PATRICIA ELLIS A Warner Bros. hit with WILLIAM GARGAN PATRICIA ELLIS ALLEN JENKINS ALLEN JENKINS lo EE THEATRE 56 Lines Mat No. 9—20c 160 Lines Mat No. 12—20c \ WARNER BROS.’ A Warner Bros. Riot with WILLIAM GARGAN PATRICIA ELLIS ALLEN JENKINS WILLIAM GARGAN PATRICIA ELLIS ALLE 56 Lines Mat No. 15—20c : LLEN-JENKINS 42 Lines Mat No. 17—10c AT THE Ld A Warner Bros. Riot witht: WILLIAM GARGAN PATRICIA ELLIS ALLEN JENKINS A Warner Bros. Riot with WILLIAM GARGAN PATRICIA ELLIS ALLEN JENKINS CEE TACTILE RE EOE TIEI GT, 56 Lines Mat No. 19—20¢ 30 Lines Mat No. 16—10c Page Five