A Shot in the Dark (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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Behind the gaiety... lurked the grim figure of a killer who let his victims have the time of their lives... before he ended them with with WILLIAM LUNDIGAN NAN WYNN RICARDO CORTEZ REGIS TOOMEY MARIS WRIXON Directed hy WILLIAM McGANN {{\[B] A WARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture Screen Play by M. Coates Webster \WL// From a Story by Frederick Nebel Vitagraph, Inc. Mat 202—6!1/, inches x 2 columns (176 lines) —30c TRAPPED BY A KILLER IN A NIGHT CLUB, Os \Wo9 Five strangers trapped ina night club by a killer who must destroy them all to get the one he wants! Five frightened strangers meet for one night _ ... the most B= dangerous one 3 of their lives! y a WM. LUNDIGAN NAN WYNN ICARDO CORTEZ REGIS TOOMEY WM. LUNDIGAN MARIS WRIXON | NAN WYNN Dinars hy RICARDO CORTEZ oe ice. sic \ REGIS TOOMEY m First National Picture MARIS WRIXON @® directed by WILLIAM McGANN A WARNER BROS.First National Picture Screen Play by M. Coates Webster » From a Story by Frederick Nebel Vitegraph, Inc. Re ae Screen Play by M. Coates Webster + From a Story by Frederick Nebel Vitegroph, Inc. Mat 105—63/, in. (94 lines)—15c Mat 107—53/, in. (82 lines)—15c ADVERTISING Ss Vitogroph, Inc. ; : eel aad a REGIS TOOMEY MARIS WRIXON Directed by WILLIAM McGANN A WARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture Screen Play by M. Coates Webster From a Story by Frederick Nebel Mat 203—4!1/, inches x 2 columns (120 lines)—30c RICARDO CORTEZ -R Directed by WILLIAM McGANN Screen Play by M. Coates Webster EGIS TOOMEY MARIS WRIXON uIP) A WARNER BROS.-First Nat'l Picture E TORCH SINGER ~ ___ RACKET KING . : NAN WYNN ae From a Story by Frederick Nebel Mat 204—23/, inches x 2 columns (76 lines)—30c WINE FLOWS... .-2Hen, BLOOD! Laughs ring out...in this night club— screams! Lights are bright.. WM. LUNDIGAN-NAN WYNN-RICARDO CORTEZ REGIS TOOMEY MARIS WRIXON Directed by WILLIAM McGANN A WARNER BROS.-Fiest Nott Picture Screen Play by M. Coates Webster . From a Story by Frederick Nebel Vitegroph, Inc. Mat 104—4 in. (56 lines)—15c 2-IN-ONE MAT for DIRECTORY and FOLLOW-UP ADS Mat 106—15c YN M WM. LUNDIGAN-NAN WYNN-RICARDO CORTEZ REGIS TOOMEY MARIS WRIXON Directed by WILLIAM McGANN A WARNER BROS. -Fitst Not’l Picture Screen Play by M. Cootes Webster « From a Story by Frederick Nebel Vitagraph, Inc. THE CRIME OF YOUR LIFE! WILLIAM LUNDIGAN NAN WYNN REGIS TOOMEY MARIS WRIX Directed by WILLIAM McGANN A WARNER BROS.-F:, Warner's Production Trailer Spells A-C-T-I-O-N for Your Showing. Book It Now!