A Soldiers Plaything (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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ogiL Feet ; SBE & fs _ “A SOLDIER’S PLAYTHING”—A Warner Bros. Production (Supplement to Press Sheet) 2B i” ’ DS TO SELL THE STAR) OU REMEMBER THIS ONE i JESTION: What’s better than an eagle See Ben Lyon as the dandy doughboy playing ona colonel’s shoulder? around with the mademoiselles and the frauleins! The Romeo of the A. E. F. who says, “If Marie : ; : ; NSWER: A chicken on a private s knee. never takes a chance, she'll never get one!” i | } Atter the War—Atter the Mademoiselles? ” BEN LYON AS THE ROMEO PRIVATE OF THE A. E. F. a ic aaa ae mne Mn aan TEED @ After the war, after the mademoiselles | ®@ From the Big Berthas to the Little Maries! VARNER BROS. ried t = SOLDIER’ S PLAYTHING by VINA DELMAR — with BEN LYON One side of war Sherman never mentioned. All the French he knew was parley vous but he spoke the universal language of heavy lovers! Rolo eS Saeeee VITAPHONES WARNER BROS. Aesext A SOLDIERS |: PLAYTHING | e From the story by Vina Delmar — more sensational than her great books, “Bad Girl” and “Kept Woman”! . Two Column Ad—Style A-13—Cut or Mat Two Column Ad—Style A-15—Cut or Mat Se BEN LYON, romantic hero of “Hell’s Angels”, playing around with the mademoiselles of the A.E.F.! No war, no worry—and a thousand women to love! Fromthe Big Berthas to the Little Maries! LYON— WARNER BROS. Present an LIKED BY A SOLDIER’S ALL MEN PLAYTHING S : WTR WOMEN— IN ONE OF A SOLDIER’S oo THE YEAR’S PLAYTHING BIGGEST ne aueeon HITS. \WifArHEE Two Column Ad—Style A-14—Cut or Mat 1-Col. Ad—Style A-16—Cut or Mat