A Very Honorable Guy (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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MONEY SAVING SPECIALS AT TOLEDO'S LEADING STORES This layout illustrates idea for a heading on cooperative dealer advertising. Reproduction can be made from above to any desired size, depending on the amount of space sold. Or you can make vour own drawing. (Order still No. JEB 45) Newspaper should donate banner space. Run your ad in a conspicuous block, tying in the copy of the heading. Freak Paper Plant Freak addresses frequently are given special display space in the newspapers. This mat and a story similar to the one suggested here may get you some excellent publicity. Can You Devise A Freak Address? Mat No. 7—20c. The envelope addressed as above was delivered to Joe E. Brown, star of “A Very Honorable Guy.” Evidently the men in the post office were film fans. The management of the _ =... i. Theatre, where the First National comedy success ““A Very Honorable Guy” will open OTe nh a Be , will give a pair of guest tickets free to the person submitting the best idea for a freak address to Joe E. Brown. Suggestions should be addressed to the manager of the theatre no later than (date). POSTERS THAT MAKE GCOD DISPLAYS.... .-. You'll find them illustrated on the back page. It’s plain to see how easy it is to make attractive cut-outs. For instance, the head on the 24-sheet cut-out and mounted stands approximately 8 feet high. What a flash for your marquee! The 6-sheet and 3-sheet are equally as advantageous for cut-outs; and look at the money you save! Page Six newspaper IARD, SHOWMEN Novel Contest For Loeal Liars Prepared stories can also be used for radio announcements if this contest is used over the air. Idea incorporates a daily contest in which everybody is asked to tell the biggest he. Used as an advance plug it sets up both the comedy and story elements in the picture. (Your Three Publicity Stories ) Brilliant Liars To Be Rewarded With Lucky Buck Prizes Rallysround, liars ote cine oy. ! Here’s one time your abilities will be appreciated. “Feet” the Honorable Guy” who is coming, in the person of Joe E. Brown, GOmU Meee ioes sh gets Bere Theatre Oli ci Suh ar aw Se ae ; the same lie to the same Samuels, “Very girl twice. Which means something to fellows who forget that a good liar must have a good memory— as well as technique, finesse, and imagination. Lying, in fact, is a fine art, and will be rewarded (newspaper). For the five best lies submitted to the “Editor of Lies,” (and anyone addressing him as the “Lying Editor’ will be disGUalMed);Ue. se ee ee will award prizes: Most original lie—(Amount). Best Version of old le — (Amount). Funniest lie—(Amount). Five best catch-as-catch-can lies—2itickets stor tee Theatre. Everyone who submits a meritorious lie will be invited to attend the Liars’ Convention to be Ineldirateaiee sh). pas cope eS | Theatre during which a special screening of “A Very Honorable Guy” will be shown. Fish stories are barred — and the one about the travelling man and the farmer’s daughter is taboo. Everything else goes, so long as it ean be printed in a which igs read by everyone in the home. “A Very Honorable Guy” was written by the famous humorist, Damon Runyon, and produced by First National with a remarkable cast headed by Joe E. Brown with petite Alice White in the leading feminine role. It is screamingly. funny, and Joe E.’s lies are immense. There are, however, very talented? lars am. 23a ee to open the doors of fame to them. Send in your lie today, and win some lucky bucks. GUIDE TO LAUGHS Drive an armored car up to your theatre in the middle of the day. Uniformed attendants get out with pistols ready and they pull out of the inside a big sign with gag copy on the picture. A crowd will always gather when they see an armored car pull up. Repeat this every hour and you'll get ’em watching every time. A variation of this stunt is to ride it around tewn with sign reading: “For the craziest, dizziest ride you ever saw in your life, see Joe E. Brown in ‘A Very Honorable Guy,’ Strand.” Local Liars Deluge Editor in Quest of Lucky Buck Awards Can those boys lie? The quest of the lucky buck is on. Determined to win the cash and theatre ticket prizes offered by thie): Pea Meet (newspaper) to talented liars, the spinners of tall tales are searching their memories. Just why so many people think the one about the piccolo player is original with them, is puzzling 1 ae BR Oe ace ti 2 5 SMR Ram RES ditor of Lies. Here are the rules: Keep them clean—remember (Ee wort chatty iad nate a Mee Nog eh is a family newspaper. They should be either funny, clever or fantastic. All lies must be sent to the OdiGOn WELOTes wii at gos ke es when the contest closes. Lies have made some names immortal. Frank Bacon is best remembered for his story of driving a hive of bees across the desert. “And I never lost a bee,” he coneluded. In “A Very Honorable Guy,” the First National comedy that Will come tos ther <2 35.0) se. oem AM GSS Oo1cMaMt ot 1 Bale Rates «Nc aM ap een Joe E. Brown proves himself an adept liar. He never told the same lie twice—to the same girl. In addition to liberal cash prizes, every one whose contribution is found worthy, will be given a pair of tickets to the eee Theatre, during the showing of “A Very Honorable Guy.” Liars’ Convention To Hold Meeting at eis eS Theatre Plans for the (city) Liars’ Convention are be ing rushed, as the tall tale spinners of the city qualify for membership and seek the lucky bucks offered for the best lies by the SU ces bab eg (name of news All contributors to the Best Lie contest are eligible for membership and the meeting will Convene: imn-the ro Frere aon Theatre Ely Hanada os Nw alse ean o’clock este De 2 ar ‘....when a special screening of the First National comedy “A Very Honorable Guy” will be shown. The “Editor of Lies” and his associate judges, are already at work, but lies may be submitted MULT A especie Oe abet i ne se when the contest ends. Cash prizes will be awarded for the most original lie, the best version of an old lie, the funniest lie and for the five next best lies special prizes of two tickets to “A Very Honorable Guy” will be given. : Strangely enough, several of the best lies concern excuses given by married men to their wives, and it is evident that many readers have turned to the classics for guidance, for some of the entries bring memories of Rabelais, Munchausen and Boecacio. The names of the winners and samples of winning lies will be published on Oh Mister... Ki upside clown, We mean the opening of the Trailer. Never mind why — see it and you'll see it's the funniest and most novel you've ever had! Trailer idea See it and decide how much extra time you can give it. AND tell your operator about the Upside-down business — he’s sure to make a dive for the splicing machine if you don'® |..."