Action in the North Atlantic (Warner Bros.) (1943)

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FULL-PAGE ads placed by Hearst's "Puck Comic Weekly" in many newspapers . . . NATIONALLY SYNDICATED picture and story about "'Minnie,'' the torpedoed cat "hero" appeared in hundreds of newspapers . . . STATEMENT by Henry J. Kaiser (inset) released to press following special showing of the picture to all employees at the new Kaiser Fontana Steel Mills. Said Kaiser: ''l look upon ‘Action in the North Atlantic’ as perhaps the most important picture born of this war." MAJOR RAYMOND MASSEY, Royal Canadian Army, delivered a National Maritime Day address over the Blue Network to trainees at the U.S. Maritime Service Training Station in Sheepshead Bay, N.Y. His talk included his experiences in making ‘Action in the North Atlantic’ . . . HERO SEAMEN broadcast their experiences in battle action from the New York Strand Theatre stage over the Mutual Network, later re-broadcast over 38 stations on the Pacific Coast. FIRST of the big magazine stories on ‘'Action in the North Atlantic" was the LIFE Magazine spread shown at right... LOOK Magazine out the same week with a 3-page picture story of Humphrey Bogart in his biggest hit to date . . . OTHER NATIONAL MAGAZINES hail the star and the film in issue after issue... AND ALL THIS BACKED by Warner's big magazine ad campaign set to break dayand-date with the film's national release. BOVE OF TRE WEEE: vetion 1a Che, Vent b Sllerulee 4 lnrilling Mribate te the wee who delice the ponds af aay