Action in the North Atlantic (Warner Bros.) (1943)

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ae A U-boat torpedo strikes an American tanker and As the roaring cauldron of blazing oil buckles and wilts within seconds the ship is a blazing inferno. The the iron hulk, the first mate rushes daringly towards the first mate whips the men into action on the order crew’s quarters below deck to check on any wounded who » to ‘‘Abandon Ship!’’ may need help. ( i The flames leap higher and pour out onto the oilWith a final anguished look at his ship, his fists clenched covered sea. These seamen discard their lifebelts to in determination to come back with a new command, risk safety under water, rather than chance floating the Captain orders his first mate over the side—then follows. in the burning ocean. In a few moments the ship itself will gallantly g0 down. A fur-lined helmet, kapok life preserver, fur-lined vest, rubber boots, a felt face mask, sheep-lined corduroy jacket and two pairs of gloves keep our men warm. on the icy Murmansk run. The hatchet is used to chip ice from the ship. The last lifeboat pulls away, the men now at the mercy of the sea and awaiting rescue. Survivors usually sign on with another ship soon after shore leave, ready for action! Every seaman gets one of these rubber suits, made in one piece as a coverall. If = torpedoed, the men don these immedEvery lifeboat carries this compleHeroes, too, are the women who wait for their men. Seeteita toh tron ite re cae oncere eons ae oe These scenes are from Warner Bros.’ ‘“‘Action in the . ous other items, such as emergency It is al ipped with flashlight. North Atlantic’’, starring Humphrey Bogart. ee recy (Add Playdate Credits) The Captain runs into an alleyway to try to rescue other shipmates who may have foundered below. Some are hopelessly trapped. The bosun, believed trapped below, races for the last lifeboat being lowered away. The ship now lists heavily, and is rapidly disintegrating. rations and first aid kit. Order “Feature Mat (art and type) AAJOIB’=75c—~Campaign Editor, 321 W. 44 St.. New York 18. N. Y.