Always Leave Them Laughing (Warner Bros.) (1949)

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3 Newspaper or Lobby CAPTION CONTEST Here’s the idea for this one: Contestants choose the most appropriate gag caption from list accompanying four funny scenes from film. In addition, they write 25-word finish to sentence beginning: “‘I want to see Milton Berle in Warner Bros.’ ‘Always Leave Them Laughing’ because a eee eee ese ere esee Award pass prizes to contestants whose choice matches Milton Berle’s (you or experts decide this in advance). jist DAY] Auways + ry THEM 1) “Vat’s up, Milt?” 2) “You'll wake up steaming.” 3) “This’ll make Milton boil.” 4) “A bath? It’s not Saturday night!” INSURE ie oe css as soa ede Gee AGQAUBGSS 2 i550 hie Tomei ee a The best gag line for this situation is No......... I want to see Milton Berle in Warner Bros.’ “Always Leave Them EL aamiing* DECK. 5 570 a. cco 8 le aces are ea ae [ord DAY] HEM 5S LEAVE Laue! 04 1) “What’s moo, Elsie?” 2) “You can’t outstare me, Elsie. I can see past-your-eyes!”’ 3) “The grass is always greener on the udder side.” 4) “Think your milk’ll make the GRADE?’ INainie: Sess. crete st ya sunis Sassen PAGAL ESS iaeisia ne si Sane See fo neato enaies The best gag line for this situation is No......... I want to see Milton Berle in Warner Bros.’ “Always Leave Phen, Vauschine: because: cca. oo) caste cee ence. oats iene [2nd DAY] 1) “Officer, you can’t pin anyihing on me.” 2) “Me doing 75 miles an hour? I wasn’t even driving that i] 99 ong. 3) She: “What’s a policeman’s cookie?’ He: “‘A cop cake.” 4) “I arrested a baseball player the other day for stealing home plate.” NAME es). eos as ate mea chee ones WO APESS Sis arseh oie, kon eae eee The best gag line for this situation is No......... I want to see Milton Berle in Warner Bros.’ “Always Leave ‘Them Langhing) because’ =. ).0= <4 & sc) ieee. «so heeageiele ee [4th DAY] 1) “Don’t you like my take-off on Gypsy Rose Lee?” 2) “I can’t bare this much longer.” 3) “They call me a BVD author. I write SHORT stories.” 4) “Well, you told me to DROP EVERYTHING!” IN SITIO oe sgats eo eras ee hem mecha: NO OVESS et aca on crs tienes ae ere The best gag line for this situation is No......... I want to see Milton Berle in Warner Bros.’ “Always Leave Them-Vauching?. because ian = fees 2 eases eee Art and heading as shown available all on one mat. Set captions locally. Order “Caption Contest Mat No. 727-501-X" from National Screen Service. 10