As the Earth Turns (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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STRAIGHT-FROM-THE-SHOULDER ' GALA WORLD PREMIERE | A T | q| TONIGHT at 8: 30 RESERVED y SEATS dow 0 ON SALE F: No Advance In Prices: ] : : ORCHESTRA 50c 500 BALCONY SEATS 35c ge ie — _— T, ot 215 _. Big space told them faa==I Hf you have known the ; iq Pi crea a oe it was a Big Picture... fimiak: a woman's devotion «TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:30 ... The curtain at the Palace Theatre will rise... and Danbury will be the first in all the land to greet Come by Sleigh. F ».. but come! Join the great the characters of Gladys Hasty Carroll’s story . . “As the Earth Turns” crowds who are coming from everywhere _YOUCE. THRILL TO THE SYMPHONY OF WEW ENGLAND HEAKTS...BEATING TO THE RHYTHM OF THE SEASONS | WARNER BROS. PRESENT : The Motion Picture Classic of 1934 with : JEAN MUIR as SEN” JEAN MUIR JEN ay DONALD WOODS.’STAN' DONALD WOODS «)STAN™ DOROTHY APPLEBY See Advertising Section for acDOT APPLEBY DOROTHY PETERSON DOT PETERSON tual-size mats of these two ads THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY after the Premiere they step from the pages of the book onto the screen . A Symphony of New England Hearts Beating to the Rhythm of the Seasons WARNER BROS. PRESENTS THE WORLD PREMIERE of the Motion Picture Classic of 1934 PRemiene From The Story by ‘WED. sigur GLADYS HASTY CARROLL JEAN MUIR as ‘*JENT! Now’ Selling DONALD WOODS as “STAN” FMONE and MAK ORDERS < : ‘the Promiers —s : = PALACE TELEPHONE 406 RESERVED SEATS: NOW: SELLING Window Cards become snowdrift snipes all over town Here’s how they covered the LOBBY: (Above) Striking display covered entire lobby wall (Right) Colnrok: blow-ups sold this side of the lobby (Above) Another view of lobby showing jumbo book and (right) girl attendant turning pages for the reccord crowds. -The Palace opened to double tts previous record! Page Sia