As the Earth Turns (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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xploitation Ideas Search For Perfect Faces Which local girl has the most perfectly formed face? That’s what you’re trying to find in this newspaper contest, designed for as many days as you want to run it. Jean Muir has been acclaimed as having a perfectly balanced face. With the accompanying story and photograph as a basis, begin the search for your town’s ‘Jean Muir.’ Incidentally, this contest is an expert means of introducing Miss Muir to newspaper readers. (Publicity Story) Prizes If You Can Match Jean Muir’s Perfection HO is the unsuspecting owner of (your town) ’s most perfectly balanced face? Someone is walking around even now with that oddity of nature, a face which has no distortions, no unbalanced features. Mat No. 50—20¢ The charming lassie you see above is Jean Muir, hailed as the girl in Hollywood with a perfect face. Now, when cameramen say ‘perfect’ they don’t mean the same thing you do. They mean that in any light, in any pose, with any make-up, the face will still look beautiful. They attribute that to one thing: perfect balance of the features. The eyes are in exactly the same spot; the lips are the same on both sides of the face; the nose bisects the oval of the face exactly; everything is just as it should be. Well, you say, is that so strange? Grab a mirror, dear reader, and find out! Imagine the same lines drawn over your face as you see over Jean Muir’s. Now, how are things? Does your face leok the same on either side of the vertieal line? If it does, rush a pic ture of yourself to the Jean Muir Contest Editor, at this newspaper, and get your share of these awards—(list prizes here). You never ean tell what will come of a discovery such as a perfectly balanced face? Look what happened to Jean Muir—a few years ago an unknown actress, and today the leading player in the sensational motion picture “As The Earth Turns.” This film, adapted from Gladys Hasty Carroll’s best-selling novel, tells the story of life on a Maine farm, honest, unassuming, and true. Donald Woods is featured with Jean Muir in the production. It opens at the Strand Theatre on Wednesday. it CLASS. A The Minneapolis Campaign! Wire tells all... THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE CLASS OF SERVICE This is a full-tate Telegram or Cable ram unless its de erred character is indicated by a suitable sign above or preceding the address, ®. 8. WHITE PRESIDENT NEWCOMB CARLTON CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD SIGNS WESTERN [= UNION J.C. WILLEVER -__ FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT NL=Nighe Letter LC= Deferred Cable NLT = Cable Night Letter Ship Radiogram —IIoIo— — LLL SSE The filing time as shown in the date line on full-rate telegrams and day letters, and the time of receipt at destination as shown on all messages, is STANDARD TIME. Received at MB6E5 S CH4RLES EINFELD = 101 COLLECT NL= RA MINNEAPOLIS MINN 13 WARNER BROS PICTURES 321 WEST 44 ST NYK MINNEAPOLIS CIVIC AND COMMERCE ASSOCIATION PARENT TEACHER ASSOC TATIONS BETTER DRAMA LEAGUE PLUGGING EARTH TURNS THROUGH MAIL CAMPAIGNS AND PERSONAL RECOMMENDATIONS STOP CIVIC LEADERS BOOSTING SAME OVER AIR ON SPECIALLY ARRANGED BROADCASTS THIS ADDITION TO THREE REGULAR DAILY THEATRE ANNOUNCEMENTS STOP ADVANCE NEWSPAPER ADS STARTED AST SATURDAY STOP ADVANCE TRAILERS IN TWELVE MINNEA POLIS THEATRES BOOSTING PICTURE STOP GALA NORTHWEST PREMIERE OPEN ING SET FOR FRIDAY EVENING STOP TAKING MOTION PICTURES OF SAME ALSO BROADCASTING EVENT STOP ALL LOCAL IMPORTANT PERSONALITIES INVITED TO PREMIERE STOP FOUR THOUSAND PERSONAL LETTERS FROM MRS CARROLL SENT OUT SELECT MAILING LIST STOP MANY OTHER STUNTS LINED UP REGARDS SAM CLARK CONTEST TO DESCRIBE STAR'S PERSONALITY A newsSp aper-sponsored contest seeking the phrase most descriptive of Jean Muir. Publicity story right gives the details. Offer prizes for the best description in five or six words. Pick up mats from publicity section to run with the daily stories and invite them to come down to your lobby and look over the photos on display. The Story Does It! (Publicity Story) You’ve heard Will Rogers called The Cowboy Philosopher. And you’ve probably heard Adolphe Menjou called The Best Dressed Man on the Sereen. Mary Pickford, of course, is America’s Sweetheart. Kay Francis, as you’ve probably heard, is the Best Dressed Woman on _ the Screen. All of this is by way of saying that there’s a brand new star in Hollywood who wants a ‘name’ too. She’s Jean Muir, star of that great picture ‘‘As The Earth Turns’’ which is coming to the Strand next Friday. Take another look at her photograph. She’s blonde and very, very beautiful. There’s an irridescent joy about her face that seems to grow on you the more you see her. Now what can she be called? What phrase or epithet can you think up that fittingly describes her? To the five who think up the most appropriate phrases, the Management of the Strand Theatre (list prizes, ete. here) Think about it. You might even take a walk down to the Strand in your spare time and look at the pictures of her which are on display there in the lobby. Then if a phrase comes to you which you think might ‘‘ring true,’’ jot it down on a piece of paper and mail it to the Contest Editor, care of this paper. There’s nothing to lose and a chance to win—so why not take it, Needless to add, you’ll want to see ‘‘As The Earth Turns.’’ It’s one of the greatest dramas ever to come out of Hollywood. Friday is the opening day and the Strand Theatre is the place. You'll Want These Farm Movements Behind You! There is a ready-made audience waiting for “As The Earth Turns,” no matter if your theatre is in a big city or a rural district. In your county is an official “Farm Agent,” a county superintendant of schools, the Red Cross. There are the granges, and the famous “4H Clubs.” Either the county Farm Agent or the county school superintendent, will give Page Ten you the names and addresses of the leaders of these farm movements. Arrange a contest for the best essay on “‘Back to the Farm” open to all school children. Seed and farm implement dealers will furnish worth-while prizes. Give entry blanks only at the theatre. Your newspaper will give you real co-operation on anything that brings rural and suburban interest.