Bad Men of Missouri (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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THE ROARING EPIC OF THE OUTLAW HEROES WHO MADE MISSOURI GREAT! | DENNIS JANE WAYNE ARTHUR = MORGAN + WYMAN + MORRIS * KENNEDY cc ee oe sie Peeget by RON TG cee seesaskatenn MORGAN WYMAN MORRIS KENNEDY a yabitected by RAY ENRIGHT oriena! Pacem MAT 110 MAT 109 l/, 7 : ae 31/, in. (45 lines)—15c 31/, in. (47 lines) —15c All the thrills of ‘DODGE CITY’ and 1 ‘SANTA FE TRAIL — and more! ~ A WARNER BROS. HIT, with Dennis MORGAN Jane WYMAN Wayne MORRIS Arthur KENNEDY Directed by RAY ENRIGHT Screen Play by Charles Grayson * From a Story by Robert E. Kent * A Warner Bros.-First Nat'l Picture MAT 108 OENNIS . ee ee Be ARTHUR MORGAN « WYMAN + MORRIS KENNEDY Directed by RAY ENRIGHT ¢ Screen Play by Charles Grayson From a Story by Robert E. Kent * A Warner Bros.-First National Picture A WARNER BROS. HIT, with DENNIS MORGAN JANE WYMAN WAYNE MORRIS ARTHUR KENNEDY Directed by RAY ENRIGHT © Screen Play by Charles Graysen MAT l 13 From a Story by Robert E. Kent * A Warner Bros.-First Nat'l Picture 134 in. (23 lines)—15c MAT 111 34/4, in. (45 lines)—15c 6 in. (85 lines)—15c WARNER BROS, TRAILER OFFICIAL BILLING WARNER BROS. 40%, Pictures, Inc., Presents 5% VITAPHONE SHORTS TECHNICOLOR PRODUCTIONS presents “Here Comes The Cavalry,” the powerful story of our cavalry. 6005 — Technicolor Production — “BAD MEN OF MISSOURI’ ee SPORTS PARADE shows how “It Happens On Rollers,” featuring world champion roller DENNIS JANE skaters. 6409 — Sports Parade — 10 mins. ccd 50% MORGAN WYMAN SPORTS PARADE hoists anchor with “Sail Ho” with WAYNE ARTHUR MORRIS — KENNEDY cats Directed by Ray Enrighi 25%, e SCREEN PLAY BY CHARLES GRAYSON 3% From a Story by Robert E. Kent 2% A Warner Bros.-First National Picture 5% for an exciting and beautiful sailing adventure. 6408 — Sports Parade — 10 mins. MERRIE MELODIES chases “The Heckling Hare” through a riot of hilarious “Bugs” Bunny experiences. 6722 — Merrie Melodies — 7 mins. LOONEY TUNES says “Meet John Doughboy” and goes into a satire on the uproarious adventures of conscriptees. 6614 — Looney Tunes — 7 mins.