Black Gold (Warner Bros.) (1962)

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The epic emotions and encounters thal spawned the (eadliest ol empire of PHILIP DIANE JAMES FAY CLAUDE CAREY. MeBAIN: BEST: SPAIN: AKING Screenplay by Bob & Wanda Duncan : From a story by Harry Whittington Produced by Jim Barnett Directed by Leslie H. Martinson From WARNER BROS. tarrin arring | The epic emotions and encounters that spawned the deadliest oil GOLD aa Hi Aly Sa sng GAREY-MeBAIN: BEST SPAN-AKING From WARNER BROS. W Se RR eS MAT 102 1 col. x 5% inches (75 lines) | | ‘BLACK GOLD ! The precious oll that boiled in the steaming core of the earth—and challenged men _ and women to come and SOS SRA OO get it! PHILIP CAREY: DIANE McBAIN'-JAMES BEST: FAY SPAIN CLAUDE AKINS Screenly by Bob & Wanda Duncan + From a stoy by Harry Whittington Produced by Jim Barnett Directed by Leslie H. Martinson rom WARNER BROS. [@ MAT 401 — 4 col. x 7% inches (412 lines) Page Five